Books Aren’t Going to Get Docs to Write


Book program doesn’t equal uptake in scripts or automatic adoption of drug. I’ve been with several companies and all had programs with impressive books, e-books, and some HCPs liked it and some declined because other companies gave out books.
So Sun thinks this book program will save the day, increase BIs, and give us 3 automatic reasons to have FaceTime with doc/PA? No. They’ll pick out book over their Starbucks or lunch and that’s it. 3 encounters over a book?

Book program doesn’t equal uptake in scripts or automatic adoption of drug. I’ve been with several companies and all had programs with impressive books, e-books, and some HCPs liked it and some declined because other companies gave out books.
So Sun thinks this book program will save the day, increase BIs, and give us 3 automatic reasons to have FaceTime with doc/PA? No. They’ll pick out book over their Starbucks or lunch and that’s it. 3 encounters over a book?

Remember Pharma and Sunshine Act guidelines! Books will probably be under a set dollar amount and be reported as a gift. Not allowed in certain states. SUN will not be giving out $700 books.