Bonus Structure

It does not matter because once the buyout is complete the bonus structure will not be as generous. Good times are over.

WC is obviosly the only drug company you have ever worked for. WC's bonus not "Great", PERIOD! The target is about 30k/year, and if you finish in the top 5% every trimester you get 75K; virtually every primary care company in the industry does the same thing. So yes, if you finish in the top 5% you get what every other primary care rep who finishes in the top 5% get in this industry gets.

The difference is that at most other companies 95% of reps will qualify for a payout, while here only 70% tops can qualify. Virtually all other companies are quota based, so EVERYONE has the opportunity to maximize bonus. We on the other hand are stuck with this archaic forced ranking, so if you do well, that means that I can not.

I know several reps at Actavis, and the bottomline is that their target payout is no different than ours, and more people actually get paid. At the end of the day, bonus is the least of your worries, you'd better pray that yo still have a job come December!