Bonus Payout

If an employee leaves the company before the bonus payout date will they be paid? Or, do you just have to be employed until the end of the quarter?

If you want your $100 commission check then you have to be employee through the end of the quarter that you want to be paid on.

Why would you stay around for a few hundred dollars? Our commission sucks

If you are asking about the Lilly bonus you still need to be a Lilly employee on the last day of the year. If you resign prior to year end, you don’t get the bonus.

Work hard or don’t work hard. Be great at sales or terrible at sales. Work all day or work 2 hours. We all get paid the exact same $3,700 after taxes.
Oh and you can win awards even if you barely do your job. It’s the Lilly way! It’s so inspiring to wake up and bust my ass every day. Woo hoo!