Bonus Payout


I don't work for this but know people who did. I'm confuse about bonus payout. Is this company paying out $10k - $18k quarterly bonus? I didn't believe them b/c the products seem relatively cheap in cost. Are those people lying about bonus? Clarify

I work for Small Med Medical Sales Co.

We just laid off half the sales force and didn't pay anyone bonus......whoever told you 10 to 18 k is lying. Don't listen to them, stay where you are and avoid this shithole.

OP here currently Medical Sales was a Rx sales 4 years with small-medium co.

In salary+commissioned medical sales your perivous earnings are very important to the process. One of them was trying to interview with my Co. asked me to refer him, but I didn't b/c wasn't sure about earnings or truth. When I ask them to verify commission/bonus from previous qtrs they came-up with a excuse. To your adavantage working at a Small RX company you are attractive to Small - Medium Medical Sales companies b/c of the lack of resources at those establishments. But must have good-to-great sales numbers and commissions. It's tough not knowing if your job is safe but opportunities are out there!

This company has never hit any goals for sales.
It is probably because of the quality leadership with PL, RP, and now AD.
It is time to send a bumper sticker to motivate the sales force or maybe time to send in a sales success story for the day to my DM to forward on to upper management.

I don't work for this but know people who did. I'm confuse about bonus payout. Is this company paying out $10k - $18k quarterly bonus? I didn't believe them b/c the products seem relatively cheap in cost. Are those people lying about bonus? Clarify

I work for Small Med Medical Sales Co.

I think I know who you are! Are you in the northeast?