Bonus Payout Teleconference


What is up with this? How can they say that only a certain percentage of payouts were too high and approximately the same number were too low? If one person is moved up or down in the ranking, doesn't it impact everyone above and/or below them? Sure is going to be interesting to hear them try to explain this one. Can't wait to hear how many folks have their large payouts reduced. it sure doesn't seem to pass the smell test...

Yes and completely unethical! How about increases of Pennsaid quotas in the 300-400% when first launched! They cannot get it right because they don't want can't shoot a moving target!

They play SO MANY games at Covidien Pharma! ALL MANAGEMENT should be ashamed and FIRED! They've started with Alex Panzardi, many more to come!!!! Go CONNIE Kisinger!

The real reason that there was 60 territories affected in because 30 territories had goals shifted to the other 30 territories. DMs and RDs were taking care of their 30 favorite reps. Remember it's an upgrade and we pay for performance! Now that is a joke.