Bonus payout July 13th


No. Read your compensation policy. You MUST be employed on the payout date, (if you have resigned prior to that day you are ineligeble because you are no longer considered employed.).

I thought you were considered active until the end of the two weeks. So active until July 15th....[/QUOT

Two weeks prior to the payout gives then enough time to stop you commission. Dont risk loosing the money for only two weeks. Just think... you have two weeks to totally do nothing and not worry a minute about it. it would take them longer to try to fire you so take the two weeks and enjoy. Send your boss or call him thursday night after 6 pm to let them know. Its too late by then anyway, the check is already routing to your bank.

Actually you need to be employed on the day of the bonus....the only time you can gat. Partial payout is if you retire in good standing with min 10 years of service and 55 or over, you can get prorated onus for the entire month, but you must work until the 16 th

July 13 is expected payout. I called today. On the 29th you get Severance (assuming you sent in the papers on time), a second check for your 2500 training bonus less taxes, and any vacation pay less bonus. Therefore 3 separate checks because they are taxed differently. As of today they still don't have April numbers but the expected date for pay is July 13. He told me there is probably a ranking report that will be mailed out as well. Hope this helps.

July 13 is expected payout. I called today. On the 29th you get Severance (assuming you sent in the papers on time), a second check for your 2500 training bonus less taxes, and any vacation pay less bonus. Therefore 3 separate checks because they are taxed differently. As of today they still don't have April numbers but the expected date for pay is July 13. He told me there is probably a ranking report that will be mailed out as well. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the info. You must mean vacation pay less taxes not bonus.
Did hear April TAN was out

July 13 is expected payout. I called today. On the 29th you get Severance (assuming you sent in the papers on time), a second check for your 2500 training bonus less taxes, and any vacation pay less bonus. Therefore 3 separate checks because they are taxed differently. As of today they still don't have April numbers but the expected date for pay is July 13. He told me there is probably a ranking report that will be mailed out as well. Hope this helps.

April tan has been out for two weeks. Contact old team members or mgr if you want to know where you came in
A former pod mate of mine sent me the info

payout will be this Thursday June 21 for IC-2, then a week later for any adjustment/extra money

We would have received a notification from ADP if we were getting paid this Thursday. They always come 2 days in advance.

Also, Novartis is not going to pay us early. They will stick with the date that was on all paperwork, July 13th.

The longer the money sits in the bank, the more money they make.

They are not going to pay us on a Non pay date.

April tan has been out for two weeks. Contact old team members or mgr if you want to know where you came in
A former pod mate of mine sent me the info

I tried but apparently they don't have the numbers for exforge- or there was some mistake. Not sure what the story is but no one left has an answer. Typical NVS BS.

I tried but apparently they don't have the numbers for exforge- or there was some mistake. Not sure what the story is but no one left has an answer. Typical NVS BS.

I hate to say it, but I think your old team is just giving you the run around.

I'm the poster from above and my old teammate sent me the spreadsheet my manager had showing the entire districts numbers, including Exforge.

The only problem I can see is that they might make some sort of goal adjustment, in our favor, because of the shortage and stocking issues. (highly unlikely)

I went from 111% to goal through Feb to 103% through April for Ex... Which had there not been a shortage would have remained higher.

We would have received a notification from ADP if we were getting paid this Thursday. They always come 2 days in advance.

Also, Novartis is not going to pay us early. They will stick with the date that was on all paperwork, July 13th.

The longer the money sits in the bank, the more money they make.

They are not going to pay us on a Non pay date.

Ths paperwork that came with our severance packet- stated bones payment date is July 20th?

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