Bonus payment

BSS's don't deserve a bonus....because no one is selling...just complaining, complaining and complaining

That is a bit too global. Some, though few, of the BSS's do deserve to be recognized as they work hard, sell, do not complain, and work in tandem with cross functional partners. They are the successful ones. Usually they are the newer ones not the tenured ones. Tenured ones do complain and finger point and do not succeed and need to just go find another place to work. It has been said may times before it is so obvious who they are by the apathy in the majority of their clinics. Some clinics will always be apathetic and not a lot can be done to change it but when docs are surveyed and they don't know jack about seasonal trends, risks etc or even really who their rep is (even though rep has been in place for 5+ years) it becomes crystal clear why that area is doing poorly. Whatever. Things will change and change for the best when AZ Mgt style infiltrates. Get ready lazy whining BSS's to either work hard and be sales people like you are paid to be, or leave, this time with no package as you will be shown the door as an "individual" just like the man said as they will have plenty of reason now that they are

That is a bit too global. Some, though few, of the BSS's do deserve to be recognized as they work hard, sell, do not complain, and work in tandem with cross functional partners. They are the successful ones. Usually they are the newer ones not the tenured ones. Tenured ones do complain and finger point and do not succeed and need to just go find another place to work. It has been said may times before it is so obvious who they are by the apathy in the majority of their clinics. Some clinics will always be apathetic and not a lot can be done to change it but when docs are surveyed and they don't know jack about seasonal trends, risks etc or even really who their rep is (even though rep has been in place for 5+ years) it becomes crystal clear why that area is doing poorly. Whatever. Things will change and change for the best when AZ Mgt style infiltrates. Get ready lazy whining BSS's to either work hard and be sales people like you are paid to be, or leave, this time with no package as you will be shown the door as an "individual" just like the man said as they will have plenty of reason now that they are

Now let's hear your assessment of the migration to managed Medicaid in several states, and a singular percent growth goal for every area, regardless of birthrates, Its a specialty drug, with no competition other than the roadblocks created by AAP, payers, and seasonal, low motivation staffers at distributors. Show some balance in your criticsms.

Now let's hear your assessment of the migration to managed Medicaid in several states, and a singular percent growth goal for every area, regardless of birthrates, Its a specialty drug, with no competition other than the roadblocks created by AAP, payers, and seasonal, low motivation staffers at distributors. Show some balance in your criticsms.

Well lets see here: are your docs clinically sold enough to properly educate these moms so that they understand the risks of RSV? Probably not. Your compliance rate makes you miss that 1% and more. Do they just accept a denial when all that really needs to be done is properly document the required risk factors or meds? Do they have a formal ID system in place so that they do not miss any babies especially the ones that "look fat and healthy" when they come in for newborn visit? Do your hospitals have a good formal discharge procedure that includes RSV education and a hand off or the TOC form? Does each and every doc in each and every practice know the risk factors and criteria and the clinical studies? Do you? If you answer with a "not sure" or even anger to any one of these questions then there is your answer to why you can't hit that 1% growth. UNLESS there has been a big change in coverage that you cannot control but still goes back to those questions above as they all are key and you without a doubt know it. Most just do not want to put in the effort to get there.

Well lets see here: are your docs clinically sold enough to properly educate these moms so that they understand the risks of RSV? Probably not. Your compliance rate makes you miss that 1% and more. Do they just accept a denial when all that really needs to be done is properly document the required risk factors or meds? Do they have a formal ID system in place so that they do not miss any babies especially the ones that "look fat and healthy" when they come in for newborn visit? Do your hospitals have a good formal discharge procedure that includes RSV education and a hand off or the TOC form? Does each and every doc in each and every practice know the risk factors and criteria and the clinical studies? Do you? If you answer with a "not sure" or even anger to any one of these questions then there is your answer to why you can't hit that 1% growth. UNLESS there has been a big change in coverage that you cannot control but still goes back to those questions above as they all are key and you without a doubt know it. Most just do not want to put in the effort to get there.

Spoken like a true frm, aka former hospital rep who likely also never had any formal handoffs in place to begin with. Sales force had to pick up the slack for all of them that were let go. Keep trying though. And previous poster asked you to comment on other areas, but you choose to ignore that, andpile it on again on the people who actually pay your salary. LOL, keep trying though!

Spoken like a true frm, aka former hospital rep who likely also never had any formal handoffs in place to begin with. Sales force had to pick up the slack for all of them that were let go. Keep trying though. And previous poster asked you to comment on other areas, but you choose to ignore that, andpile it on again on the people who actually pay your salary. LOL, keep trying though!

Um ok. So what if the distributor isn't motivated. When you need a Rx filled and go to pick it up and they are not motivated in there I bet you make sure you get what you need right? If docs were motivated and educated and parents were informed then it wouldn't matter about the motivation of the SPP's. the days of the SPP's reps doing the job for you is gone. Network will get tighter, margins smaller, SPP's will put less emphasis on this drug anyway. Also noted is the fact that the docs and the office staff know the SPP'S reps better than the BSS. Why is that? Well because the BSS lets, actually demands, that the SPP rep do the job for them. Days of that dwindling too.
Managed medicaid, ok, happening and will continue to happen. That may give you one bad season. It happens. But as was stated before the impact would be less if you didn't lose so many eligible being dosed babies because of an md or staff that doesn't know enough to inform the parents. Really, go work with one of the newbies that have no preconceived notions and haven't gotten lazy yet. See how and what they do differently. See how they punt things like they should to their FRM to handle so they can keep on clinically SELLING while the FRM handles access issues. The BSS who doesn't ask the right questions and uncover access issues to ask the FRM for help is the loser BSS. As far as previous hospital handoffs some were in place and your job now is To implement them where there are not hand offs. If the hospital doesn't want to then you must make sure they at least educate the parents and then, shocker, make sure the clinics understand the importance of capturing all of the eligible kids. Now prove that you have ALL eligible, covered approvable kids on therapy and getting ALL doses and you are still not making your goal, THEN maybe you have a valid point.

Spoken like a true frm, aka former hospital rep who likely also never had any formal handoffs in place to begin with. Sales force had to pick up the slack for all of them that were let go. Keep trying though. And previous poster asked you to comment on other areas, but you choose to ignore that, andpile it on again on the people who actually pay your salary. LOL, keep trying though!


Well lets see here: are your docs clinically sold enough to properly educate these moms so that they understand the risks of RSV? Probably not. Your compliance rate makes you miss that 1% and more. Do they just accept a denial when all that really needs to be done is properly document the required risk factors or meds? Do they have a formal ID system in place so that they do not miss any babies especially the ones that "look fat and healthy" when they come in for newborn visit? Do your hospitals have a good formal discharge procedure that includes RSV education and a hand off or the TOC form? Does each and every doc in each and every practice know the risk factors and criteria and the clinical studies? Do you? If you answer with a "not sure" or even anger to any one of these questions then there is your answer to why you can't hit that 1% growth. UNLESS there has been a big change in coverage that you cannot control but still goes back to those questions above as they all are key and you without a doubt know it. Most just do not want to put in the effort to get there.

Wow, pull your head out of your arse. Who are you, the spying eye from AZ?

Well lets see here: are your docs clinically sold enough to properly educate these moms so that they understand the risks of RSV? Probably not. Your compliance rate makes you miss that 1% and more. Do they just accept a denial when all that really needs to be done is properly document the required risk factors or meds? Do they have a formal ID system in place so that they do not miss any babies especially the ones that "look fat and healthy" when they come in for newborn visit? Do your hospitals have a good formal discharge procedure that includes RSV education and a hand off or the TOC form? Does each and every doc in each and every practice know the risk factors and criteria and the clinical studies? Do you? If you answer with a "not sure" or even anger to any one of these questions then there is your answer to why you can't hit that 1% growth. UNLESS there has been a big change in coverage that you cannot control but still goes back to those questions above as they all are key and you without a doubt know it. Most just do not want to put in the effort to get there.

You summed up your knowledge of the business with two words: "probably not", indicating you know nothing factual, and base your comments on presumptions of which you know nothing about. You allege "probably not" on the question you pose. Guess what: syn has been standard of care long before many of us got here, and providers would put as many kids as they could on it..IF there was access for all of them but there isn't. They put referrals in until they are blue in the face, because they know the referred pts need it but also its due dligience as the'd rather request and be denied, than simply not even try. The drug isn't some me too pill. LOL, besides, with so many ridesalongs now, maybe you should blame ABM's instead, or maybe you're one of them that still doesn't get the fact that providers want to use the drug more often than the payers will allow. Some abm's get it, some dont, but its just easier to blame the reps isn't it? Look in the mirror fool.

Tell the posters here: how on earth did you arrive at your self-answer of "probably not"? Plus your other comment of "most just don't want to put in the effort". Sounds quite vague, reflecting that you really don't have any knowledge of the business at all. No one on Syn marketing team has ever even made a sales call, on their own, to a pediatric office. Factor that in to your assessments honey boo boo.