Bonus for everyone involved in the Ultra project

A great many of those involved were given such a "bonus", it was just called a severance package. Several others left on their own accord with nothing because of the miserable dead-end nature of the valeant model, including the program manager who turned the project (and the manufacturing platform) around and actually brought the thing to market.

A great many of those involved were given such a "bonus", it was just called a severance package. Several others left on their own accord with nothing because of the miserable dead-end nature of the valeant model, including the program manager who turned the project (and the manufacturing platform) around and actually brought the thing to market.

Wow, even the program manager.

I am sure the party for the product launch will be pretty somber. First a few words will be said for the members of the Ultra team that are dearly departed. The buzzer will go off followed by a moment of silence across the company.

Following that bring on the party. Balloons, steamers, party hats, confetti and speeches. The VPs will then be brought in and will be carried on top of the crowd. A Steve Jobs like personality will take the stage dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. He will give a motivational speech like no other. Team work, dedication, company loyalty ra, ra, ra.

We are one family working for a common purpose. What that purpose is we don't exactly know yet but if we can feel good about it then it must be OK.