Bonus decreased $1,000


There comes a time when you must put your self respect before your desparation. Let's think about this...$1,000 for Q1. That's $333.33 per month. After taxes its more like $190.00 per month.

What's my point? Are you getting your underwear in a bundle over 200 bucks? I think the message is clear at Pfizer. Reps are not valued and pay will continue to adjust (downward) accordingly.

Do yourself a favor, if this bothers you then just find a new job where you can have some self respect.

There comes a time when you must put your self respect before your desparation. Let's think about this...$1,000 for Q1. That's $333.33 per month. After taxes its more like $190.00 per month.

What's my point? Are you getting your underwear in a bundle over 200 bucks? I think the message is clear at Pfizer. Reps are not valued and pay will continue to adjust (downward) accordingly.

Do yourself a favor, if this bothers you then just find a new job where you can have some self respect.

Pfizer Inc is preparing for the US Supreme Court's favorable decision wherein it will have to compensate overtime; the cash outflow will be huge!

All due respect to the previous posters....with the exception of Lyrica & what's left of Viagra & Celebrex before LOE (natural or forced in the case the mighty V), we are selling meds that are not blockbusters (>$1B) by any stretch. So we have to deal with poor (probably appropriate considering the market) formulary coverage and don't come close to providing many $$benefit for physicians to Rx. You must see what little revenue that our other PC meds deliver....these meds are just care-takers until we get some significant new drugs. They're not going to pay you big bonus $$ for dozens of scripts of Flector, PVC, Toviaz or Pristiq in Primary Care and if it was your company, you wouldn't either.

Hopefully, we will be selling a true block-buster and a product that meets a currently un-met medical need med in Eliquis (chosen pronunciation - E-lick-wus vs. the pussy fart version of Ela-qwees some are using). Soon thereafter a bunch of Reps will be selling our new oral Jack 3 inhibitor-tofacitinib, most likely in a "new" Specialty Sales Division as long as the FDA sees fit to approve said med. There are a host of other promising compounds that are in Phase III clinical stages, ranging from Oncological agents, an anti-Nerve Growth Factor compound and bapineuzamab that has potential (although probably a long-shot) in treating Alzheimer's. Granted some of these are not "Pfe" compounds, but nonetheless the next 12-18 months will potentially change the direction of the organization for the better for years to come.

Be realistic, bonus $$ & budget resource $$ need to be based on & relative to the revenue stream that our products produce. As we bring more widely used & needed meds to market, increased $$ will be available for bonus & budget.

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