You must suck, I'm getting nickels!In order to maintain cost controls and be efficient, Iroko has decided to simply nail out penny rolls. Some reps will get 6-7, other less productive will receive 2-3 rolls. Merry Chistmas all! By your families something nice, or save for what lies ahead.
When are the bonus checks going out?
When are the bonus checks going out?
Read the weekly news letter that comes out on Fridays
I'm planning on spending mine paying for a portion of January's health benefits premiums. How did we get here?
Get to work loser! I will be able to pay over half of my monthly health cost with my bonus. Whammy!
That's really sad! You should change your call plan completely,
Everyone is getting a 50.00 gift card to Stake & Shake! The company will square up with you if the owe you more cone Jan or Feb of 2015
Why should any of you get a bonus - we are way behind in our numbers.
Get off your couch and sell, no nail appts or gym before 4PM.