Bonus after giving notice


Does Syneos still payout bonuses from previous quarters/SPIFF if you have given your notice and will no longer be with the company at time of payout?
Unfortunately, they don't. If you are not working in the field on the date of the payout, you won't get it. That's why you'll see a lot of people resigning right after payout dates.

Unfortunately, they don't. If you are not working in the field on the date of the payout, you won't get it. That's why you'll see a lot of people resigning right after payout dates.

Thank you. I appreciate it. If I give my notice inside of two weeks of the payout and they tell me to stay home, would they not payout since I’m not in the field but still technically employed for the two weeks?

They will do everything to not pay you and bill the client (which is a separate contract and conversations you wouldn’t know). Read your IC plans if given, it’s discretionary. To answer your question, nope.

Thank you. I appreciate it. If I give my notice inside of two weeks of the payout and they tell me to stay home, would they not payout since I’m not in the field but still technically employed for the two weeks?
That's a good question but I would think that you were still technically employed during those two weeks, so you should be paid out - but I'd ask HR if they can answer that for you.