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Bolton’s lawyers

It's a good thing Bolton is gone. Given the fact that he also has an Israeli passport, one has to wonder to what country he was truly loyal to. I am absolutely sure he would have had the influence in Washington to brag the US into an Israeli war, if that is what Israel wanted.

It's a good thing Bolton is gone. Given the fact that he also has an Israeli passport, one has to wonder to what country he was truly loyal to. I am absolutely sure he would have had the influence in Washington to brag the US into an Israeli war, if that is what Israel wanted.

Nope! Stop with the insane conspiracy theory garbage.

That's how Israel works my friend...you just haven't figured this out, otherwise you would know that more than half of Congress is financially influenced by AIPAC!!!

Ever wonder why Wallstreet, the Media and Congress are influenced by Israel???

Yeah, cause they’re God’s chosen people! :D
I’m sure that just flies all over you! :p