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bms wait and see how many synergy reps leave after tomorrow


Tomorrow we synergy reps get our bonus,wait and see the mass exodus. Maybe you care, maybe you do not but it will happen. Good Luck with Legacy!

No one really cares if the contract reps leave. You may have been to busy preparing for your "mass exodus" to realize you were not asked to train on any BMS meds..

Unless you are in the top 10% right now, no one really cares if you leave even if you are a full time BMS TBM. You are a replaceable, outdated tool, valuable only if you can find a way to reach doctors who don't want to see you and deliver messages that no one wants to hear. Push really hard, ignore all the policy and compliance crap (you'll be long gone before any real shit happens), grab your money and have a plan B for the day you are shown the exit. Plainsboro is spending way more money trying to figure out how to reach docs without you than it's spending training you. Take the hint. You rarely get opportunities to advance to RBD because those positions are now held for marketing development opps. Take the hint. You don't get opportunities to learn new therapeutic areas when your own does not have a future. Take the hint. You have to cater lunches to a bunch of bitchy office workers in the remote hope that some sap will stop by long enough to allow you to log one actual legit call. You run speaker programs so your greedy ass customers can get richer and maybe write a few scripts for you. You wake up most mornings trying to decide should you throw yourself into a job without a future for a company that has no vested interest in your long term growth or should you make three quick calls, fake 5 and look for another option. Ask yourself a simple question, how likely is it that you will be employed by BMS with a promising career in 10 years? Or even 5 years? Milk it and move or cry about it later when you're a loser and it's too late.

Unless you are in the top 10% right now, no one really cares if you leave even if you are a full time BMS TBM. You are a replaceable, outdated tool, valuable only if you can find a way to reach doctors who don't want to see you and deliver messages that no one wants to hear. Push really hard, ignore all the policy and compliance crap (you'll be long gone before any real shit happens), grab your money and have a plan B for the day you are shown the exit. Plainsboro is spending way more money trying to figure out how to reach docs without you than it's spending training you. Take the hint. You rarely get opportunities to advance to RBD because those positions are now held for marketing development opps. Take the hint. You don't get opportunities to learn new therapeutic areas when your own does not have a future. Take the hint. You have to cater lunches to a bunch of bitchy office workers in the remote hope that some sap will stop by long enough to allow you to log one actual legit call. You run speaker programs so your greedy ass customers can get richer and maybe write a few scripts for you. You wake up most mornings trying to decide should you throw yourself into a job without a future for a company that has no vested interest in your long term growth or should you make three quick calls, fake 5 and look for another option. Ask yourself a simple question, how likely is it that you will be employed by BMS with a promising career in 10 years? Or even 5 years? Milk it and move or cry about it later when you're a loser and it's too late.

Hate to break it to you, but all the hints you gave apply equally to the top 10% as well. Every rep is totally expendable.

Well I am sure you are correct, but I tend to agree with the other person. If you spend time in Plainsboro you would think that they entire company's success turns on a short list of people called key talent or top performers. I was in BMS HR until I couldn't take the place anymore. And the entire focus is on making this short list of people happy and content to stay at BMS. Everyone else could go to hell. From a HR view, it was a sick sick place.