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BMS BOD member Louis Freeh gets truth on Joe Pa


It was a member of our BOD that proved Joe Pa shielded a child rapist to protect his school's football program. And now we have a RBD still singing Joe Pa's praises. That is fucking sick.


A person has to cast a very large net to consider this information a catch. This guy is not a serious guy. If he is, I say deliver what information you have on BMS, Convatec, and Freeh to the authorities for further investigation. Otherwise stop the drama and get on with your life.

Just another frustrated Brit. God save the Queen!

A person has to cast a very large net to consider this information a catch. This guy is not a serious guy. If he is, I say deliver what information you have on BMS, Convatec, and Freeh to the authorities for further investigation. Otherwise stop the drama and get on with your life.

These guys are the authorities!!

These guys are the authorities!!

I disagree. This guy is another disgruntled ex-BMSer who is not satisfied with simply whining on CP. He has to whine to everyone by coming up with his own web page. He is not an authority. In any court of law it is what you can prove, not what you suspect. He can't prove anything, so he is reduced to whining. This is not the first post where this information has come up. It is time to get over it. The key descriptive word here is whiner. Get a f_ckin' life!

I disagree. This guy is another disgruntled ex-BMSer who is not satisfied with simply whining on CP. He has to whine to everyone by coming up with his own web page. He is not an authority. In any court of law it is what you can prove, not what you suspect. He can't prove anything, so he is reduced to whining. This is not the first post where this information has come up. It is time to get over it. The key descriptive word here is whiner. Get a f_ckin' life!

I got a f_ckin' life, possibly a better one than you. But that aside, BMS think they can do whatever and people will go away. Well in this instance they're wrong, I won't go away.

Jim Lynchehaun.

I got a f_ckin' life, possibly a better one than you. But that aside, BMS think they can do whatever and people will go away. Well in this instance they're wrong, I won't go away.

Jim Lynchehaun.

Maybe you should. At least stop concentrating your efforts here. This is the equivalent of a Black Hole. Nothing matters. Infact, it's antimatter!!