Blue Belt Technologies


Mako Surgical (MAKO -4.1%) falls after competitor Blue Belt Technologies received clearance from the FDA to market its NavioPFS orthopedic surgical system for partial knee replacement.


What's with blue belt not allowing anyone to burr at ccjr? MAKO booth was next to it giving full hip/knee run throughs allowing surgeons to do everything. Blue belt engineer didn't let anyone get close to the hardware. Made it seem weak.

Mako Surgical (MAKO -4.1%) falls after competitor Blue Belt Technologies received clearance from the FDA to market its NavioPFS orthopedic surgical system for partial knee replacement.


I think they should do okay with the smaller community hospitals although MAKO has made in-roads there thanks mainly to HMA and the sale of over 22 RIOs into their system. Given the estimated growth of the joint replacement market and expansion of the uni market, there's room for several players.

I read that Blue Belt has a 10' x 10' booth way in the back at the upcoming AAOS 2013 right next to a shoe accessory maker, "Massaging Insoles by Bestsole, Inc.". I thought it was a joke but confirmed it on the AAOS annual meeting page exhibitor map. Apprarently, thats where the First Time Exhibitors are relegated. lets see if they step it up next year. MAKO is going with a 3,500 sf pavilion a little past the Main Entrance, next to Baxter Healthcare.