Bloodbath is coming in women's health and other divisions


Get ready for next week... 100 - 200 RIFs, RDs, Mgrs, Reps, AEs, the writing is on the wall. People were smart to jump off the Titantic into the life raft of other divisions. It is unfortunate the jobs in CNS and other divisions that were hiring could not wait until the dust settled with the layoffs. Niiice

Get ready for next week... 100 - 200 RIFs, RDs, Mgrs, Reps, AEs, the writing is on the wall. People were smart to jump off the Titantic into the life raft of other divisions. It is unfortunate the jobs in CNS and other divisions that were hiring could not wait until the dust settled with the layoffs. Niiice

blah blah blah. Another person with fake news!

IQvia reps first to go. ~ 75 reps. ~ 20 vacancies not being filled. Sad when mgmt brags that they "extended the contract"...which means absolutely nothing other than giving contract reps false hope. Realignment of remaining reps and possible handful of legacy AGN/ABV reps. 8 regions to 6. 9-10 people per district. Sad to say, but this is long overdue since the products we have, while good, are near impossible to get into the hands of the patient. Use your FAS they say. But we have 90% + access they say....Goodness, MTC and his minions are SO OUT OF TOUCH!!

BO was poison. Moved over to another franchise, instead he should have been held accountable with this team. He put many of us through hell. Plans, after plans, firing of people.

He is protected just like the rest that mysteriously left.

Lies, he will get his what comes around goes around. He will be one sorry a******.