
Are you talking about the lab or the office. lots of people already leaving the office. so said, especially since everybody thinks the new managers are going to fail. I have been here ten years and this is ridiculous

Still making record profits but could only give 10 usd for each employee , if times were really hard we'd be paying them to get to work for them. Corporate wants Wal-Mart profit but wants to Big Lot invest. Cheap begats cheap and it will catch up at some point. Always does

Or its a sign that your upper mgmt, finally got a clue, and decided to read the memo to cut expenses, so that you would have a job next week.

Expenses were not cut. They still spent the same amount of money as they would with the discounted turkeys that were passed out before. A catered meal was provided to all the branches and the main lab because that’s how Tampa does it.

If it is not done in Tampa that means it should not be done in the division. Tampa has to continue to show they are in charge.

As far as shutting down Birmingham, where would the work go? Birminghams volume is nothing to ignore, it's higher than Tampas volume. It would take major planning to move all that work.

Here's to hoping that they don't shut down Birmingham. The decision to cut Louisville has been a disaster, and of course, no one will admit it. Pick a department, any department and it ran far better, far more efficiently and with far better results before the shift to Columbus. The employees really took it up the proverbial poop-chute on this one. Columbus doesn't like to work; bitches when they have to work and can't understand why anything related to any decision that they make turns out to be a total trainwreck. It's not just Louisville... ask any of the other North-Central ports/used-to-be labs, they will tell you the same thing. Good old Steve "I know it all just ask me" Jones really put the screws to Louisville and left a wake of destruction in his path. The idiots at corporate bought into his schlock and now there's not near the business that there used to be. Customer service went into the s****** big time because they failed to plan, as they always do. Columbus spends so much time assessing blame that they don't have time to address real problems. I guess that it doesn't really make a difference, though, because they don't know what they're doing anyway. Hey, I mean, really, who cares if we lose business? Who cares? No one in a position to do something about, that's for sure. Good luck to all of those in Birmingham!

There is union talk in Birmingham Lab, and its all due to VB, RM, and thinking they are God's gift to management. They don't have a clue. I give VB til summer 2012 before he is fired for incompetence. J Boyle comes across like he cares yet lets this go on. 2012 is going to be interesting.

Expenses were not cut. They still spent the same amount of money as they would with the discounted turkeys that were passed out before. A catered meal was provided to all the branches and the main lab because that’s how Tampa does it.

If it is not done in Tampa that means it should not be done in the division. Tampa has to continue to show they are in charge.

As far as shutting down Birmingham, where would the work go? Birminghams volume is nothing to ignore, it's higher than Tampas volume. It would take major planning to move all that work.

That is exactly the point, cater because Tampa does it, with no thought of asking what we want, Tampa does that. How much simpler is it to buy the damn turkey and give it to me vs cater the meal. I did get the Christmas ham however so someone must have made the point with them.

Knoxville wants unionized as well , people are making hundreds a month less than new hires that they are having to train. It's always more more more but never any thing to help make things more efficient just create more obstacles and blame you for their bad technological equipment choices ....send the unions our way . Are there any websites or contacts that can help coordinate a union petition ?