I applied for a job with Bham North in the vision care division. Anyone know anything about the manager? What happened to the former rep?
I applied for a job with Bham North in the vision care division. Anyone know anything about the manager? What happened to the former rep?
Accounts HATE HATE HATE. LOTS of turn over in this territory (reps) due to management and high pressure, agressiveness...extreme micromanaging. Very low business so little chance of seeing goal or any bonus. Beyond reason. Burned through more than 2 reps per year for many years.
Same with pharma. Its really horrific. Nothing like it. Call some of the previous reps. Good reps with strong track records-
The current reps have all been on board less than a year-all three of them. Only one who lasted any time at all was only because no one else would hire him. Seriously, a total weird-o.
Even of you are DESPERATE i wouldn't do it because it will destroy your "track record" and ability to move to other sales positions. All companies are looking for reps with top ranking/president's club/awards. It is not possible here.
You can even ask the competitors...they will tell you!
You will probably not listen, but you asked so i am being honest. RUN R
Oops! I thought this was the alcon board! Disregard this. Sorry!