Birmingham, AL territory?

BDD is the manager, yes. This rep quit along with every other opening you see posted. That includes a lot more than our sales force. Everyone here is looking to get OUT. If you are unemployed, take it and look immediately for another gig.

*legit actual insight*
the regional manager for that territory is not a woman, so everything posted is complete and utter BS propaganda, prob from a sour bombard over at progenity.

anyways, that territory would be like shooting fish in a barrel and you'd be a fool not to take it

in regards to the culture, it's great, sequenom takes care of employees that put forth the effort. if you are adaptable, not an idiot and can learn on the fly then you're good to go.

if you're lazy and look for excuses to blame for your poor sales performance then go work for a co like progenity or natera who can't sell their tests without discounting it to shit

Regardless of who the manager is, this is a pit to work in. Why would so many people quit here and go to competitors if it was so wonderful? Stay off of Cafepharma BW and concentrate more on getting out of the red so your sales reps can make money. Lookin go work here: talk to any MFM in your area. Also, OBs.

Regardless of who the manager is, this is a pit to work in. Why would so many people quit here and go to competitors if it was so wonderful? Stay off of Cafepharma BW and concentrate more on getting out of the red so your sales reps can make money. Lookin go work here: talk to any MFM in your area. Also, OBs.

Yes, what dopey said. Come to Natera - we have cake!



in regards to the culture, it's great, sequenom takes care of employees that put forth the effort. if you are adaptable, not an idiot and can learn on the fly then you're good to go.

if you're lazy and look for excuses to blame for your poor sales performance then go work for a co like progenity or natera who can't sell their tests without discounting it to shit

If you like to be micromanaged AKA Mike Vacari this is perfect job for you. I hope you're female don't have an opinion or a mind of your own. You will fit in perfectly here if you are like the above.