How many have worked for 1 (all even) of the big 3?
How many would get a job with the big 3?
How many would get a job with the big 3?
Could work for any of the big 3 at anytime..When we discuss pay I laugh at them.
Could work for any of the big 3 at anytime..When we discuss pay I laugh at them.
What's your commission on a $3500 pacer again? Assuming you're doing 1 a must be killiing it! You couldn't work for any of the 3 because that would mean you would do 10-20 cases a week and that means you would actually have to work. Imagine that.
I don't get it. You want reps to work harder for less?
Do reps need to do 20 cases a week to feel like they are working hard?
You don't get it! Exactly.
come on einstein explain it to us. at mdt i can understand. you stay for the pension. that's it. they work you like a slave. you make good money. you save and retire.
at bio, i've already worked for mdt, still get my pension, still do 15-25 cases a month but get paid much more than i ever did at medtronic. what is it that i don't get. tell me
You don't get it! Exactly.
well, i don't get the pension until i'm 65, but you get the picture. let's face it, medtronic is a great big company as is JNJ and a few others.
however, if you're paying attention to life, there are many smaller companies in medical, in dental, in the car industry, etc. that are doing fine being a "smaller player".
ever wonder how so many small companies survive? not every defense company is a Boeing or McDonald-Douglass.
for some reason in the pacer world (i guess becasue there are so few) people have nothing to do but bash other.
if medtronic were the only game in town, i don't think the reps would then stay. talk about numbers shrinking fast.
Fair enough response.
Now, all mudslinging and BS rhetoric aside... why are so many MDT reps unable to see that there are other quality companies out there in/and outside of the CRM industry? I have heard both good and bad about working for MDT and every other CRM company out there. Since this is a Biotronik board, I will stick with Biotronik. There are some quality people within Biotronik that are working hard and doing a solid job with Biotronik. Yes, the corporate structure is different than the Big 3 but so what? If an individual has carved out a nice career and living at Biotronik - good for them.
Your first mistake is using the word "Quality" and "BIO" in the same sentence. This is not a shared view in many circles. With BSx and STJ sitting on pending recalls it's natural for BIO to try to posture themselves as a company that they are not. We get it..stop. The problem is BIO reps are so conditioned to brag about how much $ they make and how little they have to do to earn it. If you don't think these CP threads stay here and are not shared with physicians you're high! BIO reps are their own worst enemy. Stop blaming MDT and start asking yourself, "When do I learn that this isn't the biggest dick contest?"[/
Here are my favorite parts of this post:
Doctors have a right to feel disgusted about a person bragging about how much $ they make.
The only company NOT allowed to sell their Quality is the only one that has never recalled a lead in 40+ years of manufacturing them.
Are you the MDT rep that sat with one of the docs in my territory and told him that "at this point in CRM" using anything other than MDT is equivalent to malpractice?
Your first mistake is using the word "Quality" and "BIO" in the same sentence. This is not a shared view in many circles. With BSx and STJ sitting on pending recalls it's natural for BIO to try to posture themselves as a company that they are not. We get it..stop. The problem is BIO reps are so conditioned to brag about how much $ they make and how little they have to do to earn it. If you don't think these CP threads stay here and are not shared with physicians you're high! BIO reps are their own worst enemy. Stop blaming MDT and start asking yourself, "When do I learn that this isn't the biggest dick contest?"
Holy shit dude..... WTF are you talking about?
First, the commenter did not even mention Quality. They did not even talk about Bio's marketing spin.
Second, they didn't 'brag' about making X amount of $$ either. The question was simply asked, Why is it so hard for blowhard asshole MDT reps (just making an assumption there) like yourself to give an individual their due respect for making a living with a company other than MDT? People take different paths in life. It doesn't make their path right or wrong and no matter what you and your cronies might think your path is no more right than theirs.
I really hope that you are safe and secure on the pedestal that you sit on because you might need to work for one of those companies that you bad mouth so much one day.
And no, CRM is not a 'biggest dick contest' which is a good thing for your dickless self.
To hell with those Biotronik reps. How dare anyone not work for Medtronic and actually enjoy what they do?
Good stuff to pass the time between cases - keep it going. Yes, some guys at Bio actually do multiple cases on several days throughout the month. Don't be scared though. It's just Biotronik.
If doctors are reading these whacko posts, i'm amazed. If they are then they won't worry about a Bio rep making a living. If the living were so great then more reps would flock over from the big 3. good reps make good money regardless of what company they work at. bad reps make less money regardless of what company they work. except that many in the big 3 have "guarantees" to be paid handsomely regardless. do doctors think that's cool when they are on this board? the big 3 are experts at overpaying a rep to keep him from leaving for fear of losing marketshare. is that cool? is that what docs read on this board?
so, enough with the gossip that bio reps are always bragging. hogwash, bio reps usually are in defense mode. can't brag about squat when you are the minority. sure, we have small wins. but, not the big ones (yet). they are coming though. why? because we are humble and appreciate any new business. we aren't entitiled about it either.
could say more. but, it is your turn.
If doctors are reading these whacko posts, i'm amazed. If they are then they won't worry about a Bio rep making a living. If the living were so great then more reps would flock over from the big 3. good reps make good money regardless of what company they work at. bad reps make less money regardless of what company they work. except that many in the big 3 have "guarantees" to be paid handsomely regardless. do doctors think that's cool when they are on this board? the big 3 are experts at overpaying a rep to keep him from leaving for fear of losing marketshare. is that cool? is that what docs read on this board?
so, enough with the gossip that bio reps are always bragging. hogwash, bio reps usually are in defense mode. can't brag about squat when you are the minority. sure, we have small wins. but, not the big ones (yet). they are coming though. why? because we are humble and appreciate any new business. we aren't entitiled about it either.
could say more. but, it is your turn.
How many have worked for 1 (all even) of the big 3?
How many would get a job with the big 3?