
Well, only head for Baxter if you can't sell so you need to sell a commodity product, and make sure you have a 3-day beard/scruff and bags under your eyes to fit-in @ Baxter (applies for the Northeast territories at least....

Biosurgery is merging with Ethicon Surgical Care. They will go through layoffs Q4 between managers and reps. I would stay away until next year

Does J&J do anything else except buy and sell and reorganize only to repeat the same process every year or two? Wouldn't a better business strategy be to get into R&D and develop better products rather than continue to be in a state of chaos and stagnation?

Does J&J do anything else except buy and sell and reorganize only to repeat the same process every year or two? Wouldn't a better business strategy be to get into R&D and develop better products rather than continue to be in a state of chaos and stagnation?

No, that would be too hard. Without a doubt that is the root of the problem but it's much easier to shuffle things around to prop up the balance sheet at year end. Eventually, it will catch up to us and Ethicon will be screwed but the current leaders will be gone by then so they don't care.

It really is that simple.