Biomet and S&N linkup?

Well here we go again! The Smith Nephew Biomet sale... It's almost an every 3 year cycle correct? We can only hope that we go public...talking to the smith nephew guys around here....their management sounds like a bunch of tools

If you are bought by SN, you will be screwed. They'll keep all their management and those guys have no idea about ortho. They fired all their original ortho management in 2011 and replaced them all with a bunch of losers from Endo.
No one really knows why all the original ortho leaders were fired, but there were a lot of legal costs referenced on an earnings call.
Their ortho business has been shrinking ever since.

Why would S&N buy Biomet? They have already said Ortho is a loser for them. Remember the wound care and emerging market comments at the beginning of the year? Maybe Stryker? The are looking for some acquisitions.