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Asking for more data, on a brand new therapy, using a new technology, isn't "rejected".
Smh..everyone knew that the FDA wasn't going to give blanket approval.
Obviously, you are a bunch of disgruntled Genetech workers...hows those layoffs going?

Cones again letting people go.
Don’t blame him blame Buckler and Hillis.
How about doing a site visit on your manufacturing partner.
How about really caring about the Hemophilia community.
In 2021 this is embarrassing to have incompetent people leading a company.

Cones again letting people go.
Don’t blame him blame Buckler and Hillis.
How about doing a site visit on your manufacturing partner.
How about really caring about the Hemophilia community.
In 2021 this is embarrassing to have incompetent people leading a company.
The managers at this company are horrible. They're cheesy and unintelligent. They don't care about patients.

Cones is an unintelligent dog on Hillis’ short leash. She say sit, he sits without question. That’s all Hillis wants working for her. This makes Cones nothing but a robotic lackey with no individual thought, and certainly no interest in learning about the hemophilia community. Empty shell of a human. Now Heel John, Heel!!!

The above 4 posts are completely off base. No one held a gun to your head when you left your jobs to come to Biomarin. Now JC and KH are the villians? If the same had happened at your former companies, the entire team would have been let go the day after the CRL leaving you with very little more than a thank you on the way out. I'm sure the severance you received from Biomarin was exceedingly more generous than what you would have received from the big pharma companies you left. You may want to thank JC and KH for that.

The above 4 posts are completely off base. No one held a gun to your head when you left your jobs to come to Biomarin. Now JC and KH are the villians? If the same had happened at your former companies, the entire team would have been let go the day after the CRL leaving you with very little more than a thank you on the way out. I'm sure the severance you received from Biomarin was exceedingly more generous than what you would have received from the big pharma companies you left. You may want to thank JC and KH for that.

Wasn’t at big Pharma douche...JC and KH are F’ing jokes. You defending them is embarrassing.

The company you came from would have given you a few months' pay and a reach around. Biomarin gave you many times that not to mention 7 months' salary/bonus/benefits for doing next to nothing after the CRL. You don't think the joke leadership you referred to had anything to do with it? If that's your belief then it's better for everyone that you're off the team.

The company you came from would have given you a few months' pay and a reach around. Biomarin gave you many times that not to mention 7 months' salary/bonus/benefits for doing next to nothing after the CRL. You don't think the joke leadership you referred to had anything to do with it? If that's your belief then it's better for everyone that you're off the team.

Yes, I have no doubts that the severance had zero to do with them...it's HR, the lawyers and the CFO and CEO calling that shot. Clearly you are clueless and somehow personally invested in those two versus looking at reality. They are do nothing lightweights in this industry...smart people know that. Your blinded devotion to them is charming, however.

If you believe legal had anything significant to do with your getting let go and subsequent severance,
then it’s no wonder you question KH and JC’s leadership.

How daft are you? Yeah major separation agreements have no lawyers involved. Are you like 30 or something? Haven’t been through this before? Your greeness keep showing.

It's all boiler plate, expert. You can be let go anytime without reason as long as there isn't a pattern that violates EEOC which it doesn't. Move along and don't spend your windfall all in one place.

It's all boiler plate, expert. You can be let go anytime without reason as long as there isn't a pattern that violates EEOC which it doesn't. Move along and don't spend your windfall all in one place.

Windfall? Man I guess wealth is all relative. If you think that is a windfall you must not have ever made any real money in this business.