Biologics exodus slowing down

It seems like Sun has slowed down on the biologics reps leaving. We’ll see if it stays this way.

Another round of reps resigning will be happening soon. Everyone is looking to leave and I mean everyone on Tildra team, reps, marketing, RSMs, etc. New hires making more is bs. Having to pay more just to get people to join the Titanic which is Tildra/Iluyma is punch in gut to loyal reps. They face pissed off doctors everyday selling this dog so that’s a slap in face.

It seems like Sun has slowed down on the biologics reps leaving. We’ll see if it stays this way.

Here’s the funny thing:
Sun leadership will spin the slowing rate of resignations to be a result of their efforts.
The reality is those who could be hired by someone else have left.
And those that remain have been unsuccessful in getting someone to hire them.

The net result is the people who are still there are the bottom of the pharma barrel.

No other way to say it.

It should slow down because there are all new people in some territories for the 3rd time. Couple that with the fact that the people who are left have been struggling like hell to land another gig, but can't. Previous poster is right. About 20+ people are leaving very soon, and it's the worst kept secret ever.

Clueless leadership will be getting an early Christmas present. Get ready for 40% of the TMs and Managers to leave in early December. Some already have the offer in hand. Maybe UCB should change their name to Sun.

Here’s the funny thing:
Sun leadership will spin the slowing rate of resignations to be a result of their efforts.
The reality is those who could be hired by someone else have left.
And those that remain have been unsuccessful in getting someone to hire them.

The net result is the people who are still there are the bottom of the pharma barrel.

No other way to say it.

Two things:
I agree with your comment about Sun’s leadership and the spin effect.
I disagree with comment that people who are still there are bottom of any barrel. I recently left and there are good people in all divisions.
Not everyone still there is looking and some are fine with staying. Their choice so good for them.
But yes alot of people are looking to leave.
Sun paid high salaries to bring folks on board and some of those have been offered jobs but it wouldn’t match current salary so they stay.
There are also those that have offers and aren’t resigning until first of October as they are joining another company.
And some are still looking and haven’t found what they are looking for and that’s ok.
What I’m saying is a lot of people went back to UCB or went there following a Sun RSM (from ilumya), same thing with Horizon and Harmony. The folks that went to UCB alone was high numbers.
So don’t say people remaining are bad as that’s not true and everyone’s circumstances are different.
I’m glad I left and I took a pay cut to get out of there and stay in biologic derm space but worth it.

It should slow down because there are all new people in some territories for the 3rd time. Couple that with the fact that the people who are left have been struggling like hell to land another gig, but can't. Previous poster is right. About 20+ people are leaving very soon, and it's the worst kept secret ever.

It’s pretty embarrassing Ilumya isn’t a year post launch and majority of territories are on their 2nd rep and even third rep!! This doesn’t give HCPs confidence at all! I was told by BIG KOL “how do you expect me to believe in drug if 70% of Ilumya team has left and you are my 2nd rep? So when are you leaving?”
Awkward lunch.

Two things:
I agree with your comment about Sun’s leadership and the spin effect.
I disagree with comment that people who are still there are bottom of any barrel. I recently left and there are good people in all divisions.
Not everyone still there is looking and some are fine with staying. Their choice so good for them.
But yes alot of people are looking to leave.
Sun paid high salaries to bring folks on board and some of those have been offered jobs but it wouldn’t match current salary so they stay.
There are also those that have offers and aren’t resigning until first of October as they are joining another company.
And some are still looking and haven’t found what they are looking for and that’s ok.
What I’m saying is a lot of people went back to UCB or went there following a Sun RSM (from ilumya), same thing with Horizon and Harmony. The folks that went to UCB alone was high numbers.
So don’t say people remaining are bad as that’s not true and everyone’s circumstances are different.
I’m glad I left and I took a pay cut to get out of there and stay in biologic derm space but worth it.

Fair points but as a general comment, the MAJORITY of those remaining at Sun cannot get a job in a ‘real’ pharma company. There’s a reason they have stayed, and simply put it’s because no one will hire them. Fact.
People just need to be honest with themselves about that.

Fair points but as a general comment, the MAJORITY of those remaining at Sun cannot get a job in a ‘real’ pharma company. There’s a reason they have stayed, and simply put it’s because no one will hire them. Fact.
People just need to be honest with themselves about that.

It’s unfair that when some people have chosen to stay and they’ve never had an interest in leaving, they are viewed as unworthy to be hired elsewhere. Some people are just fine going with the flow, good or bad.
There are talented folks at Sun but I think the reputation of the company unfairly hurts those that are there.

Fair points but as a general comment, the MAJORITY of those remaining at Sun cannot get a job in a ‘real’ pharma company. There’s a reason they have stayed, and simply put it’s because no one will hire them. Fact.
People just need to be honest with themselves about that.

I’d have to agree.

Fair points but as a general comment, the MAJORITY of those remaining at Sun cannot get a job in a ‘real’ pharma company. There’s a reason they have stayed, and simply put it’s because no one will hire them. Fact.
People just need to be honest with themselves about that.
Guaranteed you're one of the idiots who left and now regret it. This is your way of making those who make those types of decisions carefully feel bad about themselves. Here's the thing, they don't and if you were happy with your decision to leave, Sun Cafepharma wouldn't be of interest to you.

Guaranteed you're one of the idiots who left and now regret it. This is your way of making those who make those types of decisions carefully feel bad about themselves. Here's the thing, they don't and if you were happy with your decision to leave, Sun Cafepharma wouldn't be of interest to you.

I guess those deep insights point to your being the only Dr. at Sun.
A Dr. of Psychiatry.

It should slow down because there are all new people in some territories for the 3rd time. Couple that with the fact that the people who are left have been struggling like hell to land another gig, but can't. Previous poster is right. About 20+ people are leaving very soon, and it's the worst kept secret ever.

Restructure definitely happening. Too much overlap at accounts (Taro, acne, ilumya and levulan). Four sales forces on one specialty ? and not one has hit their target. Yeah the four range from Gx to bio but still ...

This consolidation strategy will be AGs brainchild to the board to save his employment at Sun. It’ll be his ticket home to pasture before the impacts are felt.

Restructure definitely happening. Too much overlap at accounts (Taro, acne, ilumya and levulan). Four sales forces on one specialty ? and not one has hit their target. Yeah the four range from Gx to bio but still ...

This consolidation strategy will be AGs brainchild to the board to save his employment at Sun. It’ll be his ticket home to pasture before the impacts are felt.

When you say Taro and acne isn’t it just one unit now? Absorica+steroids or does Taro have a separate derm sales force?

Just to be very clear, these posts are coming from two individuals that no longer work for Sun in biologics. Both failed in their roles. Both had previously sold in “Pods” where they undoubtedly hid themselves well enough to get hired at Sun. But you couldn’t hide at Sun. So you moved on and continue to spend countless hours trying to mislead your “friends” that are left ar Sun. We all know who you are so PLEASE just move the hell along. Is this part of your therapy journal to help you get over your fears from your failures?

Just to be very clear, these posts are coming from two individuals that no longer work for Sun in biologics. Both failed in their roles. Both had previously sold in “Pods” where they undoubtedly hid themselves well enough to get hired at Sun. But you couldn’t hide at Sun. So you moved on and continue to spend countless hours trying to mislead your “friends” that are left ar Sun. We all know who you are so PLEASE just move the hell along. Is this part of your therapy journal to help you get over your fears from your failures?

Everyone knows about the exodus that is coming. This thing may be the worst kept secret ever. Reps and managers talking about it like giddy little school girls. If you aren't aware of this, you have been living under a rock somewhere.

Just to be very clear, these posts are coming from two individuals that no longer work for Sun in biologics. Both failed in their roles. Both had previously sold in “Pods” where they undoubtedly hid themselves well enough to get hired at Sun. But you couldn’t hide at Sun. So you moved on and continue to spend countless hours trying to mislead your “friends” that are left ar Sun. We all know who you are so PLEASE just move the hell along. Is this part of your therapy journal to help you get over your fears from your failures?

Got to love the Sun. I think those that have left aren’t posting on here. They have Sun way in their rear view mirror.

Just to be very clear, these posts are coming from two individuals that no longer work for Sun in biologics. Both failed in their roles. Both had previously sold in “Pods” where they undoubtedly hid themselves well enough to get hired at Sun. But you couldn’t hide at Sun. So you moved on and continue to spend countless hours trying to mislead your “friends” that are left ar Sun. We all know who you are so PLEASE just move the hell along. Is this part of your therapy journal to help you get over your fears from your failures?
Definitely. They spread their poison because they can't seem to move on.