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Biogen Stock continues to CRASH!!!


Sure except no one is actually selling or driving demand. Sales isn’t selling. They have their hands in the care pathway instead of generating patients. So until they create business the numbers won’t increase.

Sure except no one is actually selling or driving demand. Sales isn’t selling. They have their hands in the care pathway instead of generating patients. So until they create business the numbers won’t increase.

Hard to sell a med that doesn’t work and requires a lumbar puncture and an MRI and causes brain swelling and isn’t covered by insurers.

To lose that much money, you would have had to invest over 2 million near the peak (or have options and leverage in place). If true losses, sorry but you will manage.

As for Biogen, the talent is largely gone (with a continuing rush to the exits). The culture is toxic thanks to 5 years of leadership choices and HRs tyranny of stupidity They cant fill job postings and noone wants to touch the original superspreader company. The trend started about the same time as Michel and his ilk were chosen. Having disingenuous sales guys (including Michel in his irritating froglish) in charge while a 10x overstaffed HR department rolls out social agenda items as their core function doesnt make for a company that does science on purpose. (Perhaps this is why the last internally developed drug was interferon. Tec, tysabri, spinraza were all bought. Lingo dead. Asyn dead. Assets from nightstar dead. 092 dead. Ionis molecules hanging out in the pipeline while alnylam has moved how many through). And your hope for your investment thesis is selling a drug that likely has no clinical benefit, no current path to reimbursement pending medicare decision, and known and reported side effects that increase confusion in patients who are suffering the same and wont bounce back readily from the insult. Or you can wait for 2401 that has not put up good data to date and was prioritized behind adu. Maybe itll work out like wall street says but it probably shouldnt.

A quick pipeline overview but obviously do your own financial research. Using available lists so might have missed something.


Adu -Subject of press. * on approval as accelerated based on biomarker.
Tysabri, Interferon – Sales flat to down
Tec/Fampyra/Vumerity – Tec Going off patent cliff. Sales low (Vumerity) or down in sum.
Spinraza - Flat
Rituxan Royalties – Flat to down
Biosimilars (including ones not approved) – SB11 (Lucentis), SB15 (EYLEA), Etanercept, infliximab, Adalimumab.

Pipeline Phase 2 and Later

BIIB067 (tofersen) for SOD1 ALS – Marginal data to date in small ALS SOD1 market but no therapeutics available.
BIIB093 (IV glibenclamide) – Stroke/Brain contusion. Approved for other indication already.
BIIB111 (timrepigene emparvovec) – Gene therapy with bad data in last readout.
BAN2401 (Aβ mAb) – Adu v?
Dapirolizumab pegol (anti-CD40L) - Lupus
BIIB059 (anti-BDCA2) - Lupus
BIIB074 (vixotrigine)- Trigeminal neuralgia/Small fiber neuropathy Acquired in 2015.
BIIB092 (gosuranemab) – Alz. Bad Readout Summer 2021.
BIIB104 (AMPA)-Cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia (CIAS)
BIIB112 (NSR-RPGR)- X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP). Bad data in last readout
TMS-007 (plasminogen modulator) – Stroke
Zuranolone – Deal with Sage. Street reaction was flat to last readout.

A quick pipeline overview but obviously do your own financial research. Using available lists so might have missed something.


Adu -Subject of press. * on approval as accelerated based on biomarker.
Tysabri, Interferon – Sales flat to down
Tec/Fampyra/Vumerity – Tec Going off patent cliff. Sales low (Vumerity) or down in sum.
Spinraza - Flat
Rituxan Royalties – Flat to down
Biosimilars (including ones not approved) – SB11 (Lucentis), SB15 (EYLEA), Etanercept, infliximab, Adalimumab.

Pipeline Phase 2 and Later

BIIB067 (tofersen) for SOD1 ALS – Marginal data to date in small ALS SOD1 market but no therapeutics available.
BIIB093 (IV glibenclamide) – Stroke/Brain contusion. Approved for other indication already.
BIIB111 (timrepigene emparvovec) – Gene therapy with bad data in last readout.
BAN2401 (Aβ mAb) – Adu v?
Dapirolizumab pegol (anti-CD40L) - Lupus
BIIB059 (anti-BDCA2) - Lupus
BIIB074 (vixotrigine)- Trigeminal neuralgia/Small fiber neuropathy Acquired in 2015.
BIIB092 (gosuranemab) – Alz. Bad Readout Summer 2021.
BIIB104 (AMPA)-Cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia (CIAS)
BIIB112 (NSR-RPGR)- X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP). Bad data in last readout
TMS-007 (plasminogen modulator) – Stroke
Zuranolone – Deal with Sage. Street reaction was flat to last readout.

Hey, it’s a dumpster fire, but it’s our dumpster fire.

Sure except no one is actually selling or driving demand. Sales isn’t selling. They have their hands in the care pathway instead of generating patients. So until they create business the numbers won’t increase.

What a joke! We only have our hands in it because the people who were supposed to do it didn’t get the job done, and it really didn’t take very long. We have to sell against all of the crazy press to the prescribers who take the risk. The lab and radiology people don’t give a shit about that. Someone has to be able to tell the physicians how to order the CSF test and make sure the tubes are there.
Good God, the company is bow having TBMs to help with the care pathway because so many AALs aren’t getting it done!

And keep in mind, right now Biogen stock is on sale. Time to buy. As long as it recovers by the time you need to take your required distribution, you’ll be fine.

Biogen stock is dead money for the foreseeable future. They best you can hope for would but the expected pop if someone makes a tender offer, which BTW is what the senior boys desperately want to happen.

What a joke! We only have our hands in it because the people who were supposed to do it didn’t get the job done, and it really didn’t take very long. We have to sell against all of the crazy press to the prescribers who take the risk. The lab and radiology people don’t give a shit about that. Someone has to be able to tell the physicians how to order the CSF test and make sure the tubes are there.
Good God, the company is bow having TBMs to help with the care pathway because so many AALs aren’t getting it done!

What an a-hole you are! You are going to blame your failure to another role??? Knock knock in that very empty pea brain of yours. There is no demand. There is no demand. There is no demand. You aren't selling, you fool!

I am just happy for Al

He sold over 40 percent of his holdings at 440 for 3.3M. How long was it that high on that day?

Meanwhile, someone in his family leaves Biogen following approval for a job at Moderna.