Biogen’s latest board shake-up includes potentially controversial pick | BioPharma Dive


Good, this is a supremely filthy company.

Biogen’s latest board shake-up includes potentially controversial pick | BioPharma Dive

“To some shareholders, Langer may be a controversial pick. At 32, she would be more than 20 years younger than any other Biogen board member. STAT News also reported that Denner, an activist investor and longtime member of Biogen’s board, nominated Langer, with whom he has had an ongoing romantic relationship and a child.”


How the hell does this even happen lol!

Did Denner or the chair think no one would spend 10 seconds on google looking into this.

Denners mistress and langers (moderna) daughter. Commoners, please remember that its not who you know but what you know.

Think this action disqualifies all of biogen from ever uttering that statement again. Permanently.

Think it should also negate any hr opinion on consensual relationships.

I remember when she started as an intern here, a true rag to riches story!

Give us the dirt, I'm dying for this tea. From BA at daddy's alma mater to head of corporate strategy at Biogen within 7 years (with 7 promotions), wonder how many non-biotech-billionaire-heirs can show a similar career trajectory at Biogen...

Denners mistress and langers (moderna) daughter. Commoners, please remember that its not who you know but what you know.

Think this action disqualifies all of biogen from ever uttering that statement again. Permanently.

Think it should also negate any hr opinion on consensual relationships.

This company should just end. It lacks legitimacy on science (aduhell), purpose, and ethics (this is just the soap opera cherry on top). Time for rome to finally fall.

Give us the dirt, I'm dying for this tea. From BA at daddy's alma mater to head of corporate strategy at Biogen within 7 years (with 7 promotions), wonder how many non-biotech-billionaire-heirs can show a similar career trajectory at Biogen...

And i think we can definitively say corporate strategy was not an accomplished department. One might even call it a disaster.

Not her fault likely but certainly didnt turn it around.

First they resurrect Viebacher from the dead and now they allow this blatant nepotism!

It’s like they don’t even care about hiding their elitism and money grabbing.
Sounds like a certain family I know that committed treason and we have 17 recorded phone calls to prove it, yet nobody is doing anything about it.

Biogen has become a pitiful company. Unbelievable that they brought Viehbacher in after being fired at his last three jobs. He was known as the "smiling killer". Now this recent promotion clearly lacks ethics and integrity. What an embarrassment to work here.

I think it’s time for an old fashioned Biogen superspreader event. What a dirty company.

Sounds like a certain family I know that committed treason and we have 17 recorded phone calls to prove it, yet nobody is doing anything about it.
Please provide a link to a recording, transcript, or even just a few quotes from the calls. I'm interested to learn more, beyond what is being reported by Fox News.