Bill O'Reilly Caught in Another Lie

Actually Van Smack, CBS backed Ted O'Baxter's version. This guy Korn, is a complete douche. Hugh Hewitt chewed the little Fairy up and spit him out yesterday. The coward hung up on him.

I see it somewhere in between. Excerpts:

Bill O’Reilly has not proved he told the truth about his “war zone” experiences in Argentina during the Falklands war. He has said or implied he had been in the middle of a “war zone” or had survived “a combat situation” as a CBS News reporter. Apparently, that’s because he now insists he never said he was on the Falkland Islands where the actual war happened.

Instead, O’Reilly focuses on the riot he covered in Buenos Aires following Argentina’s surrender to the British. O’Reilly, who was reporting on the protest as a correspondent for CBS News, has asserted that during the demonstration, Argentine soldiers fired into the crowd with “real bullets” and slaughtered “many” civilians. As he put it in a 2009 interview, “Here in the United States we would use tear gas and rubber bullets. They were doing real bullets. They were just gunning these people down, shooting them down in the street.”

The clip that O’Reilly played did not note “real bullets” or anyone being “gunned down” or killed. CBS News reported:
"Police moved in with clubs and tear gas. They dispersed the crowd, some television crew members were knocked to the ground. The fighting in the Falklands is over, but there is new fighting now, on the streets of Buenos Aires.


In other words, he's no Brian Williams but there's a big difference between covering a protest in Buenos Aires where the police moved in and covering a war zone in the Falkland Islands where real bullets were being fired. He apparently doesn't know that difference :rolleyes:

OK, now I get it:

UPDATE: Bill O’Reilly says that when he said, “I saw nuns get shot in the back of the head” he was referring to having seen photographs of the nuns who were executed in El Salvador in 1980, and not claiming he actually saw the murdered nuns:

You're a cagey, funny guy Bill and VERY slippery. Bill O'Oilly :rolleyes:

Billy and fox do not have to apologize. They are not a legitimate news source. Tink had it right.

Here's one reason Fox may not be considered a legitimate news outlet - regarding Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s proposed budget cut from the University of Wisconsin system, it would eliminate the requirement that campus employees report sexual assaults they have witnessed, as well as the requirement that campuses report the number of sexual assaults to the Department of Justice, Jezebel’s Natasha Vargas-Cooper reports.

Fox News contributor Stacey Dash claimed that women who were sexually assaulted at fraternity parties were “bad girls” who “like to be naughty” and “might go out and play and get hurt.”

Does this sound like legitimate 'news'? or does it sound like 'op-ed'?
I hope to god you don't say it's factual and qualifies as news. Having had 2 daughters that went to college, I think this is sick....

A Fox News spokesman said Friday that O’Reilly was not an eyewitness to any bombings or injuries in Northern Ireland. Instead, he was shown photos of bombings by Protestant police officers.

By that logic, we've all "seen" ISIS beheadings first hand. Ho hum!