Bill Brasky

Anyone know what happened to Bill Brasky?
I went camping with Brasky, his wife, and his daughter Debbie! Debbie Brasky. She's 7-years-old, goes about 3'5", 55 pounds. So, I'm in the back of a pickup with Bill Brasky and a live deer! Well, Brasky, he grabs the deer by the antlers, looks at it and says, "I'm Bill Brasky! Say it!" Then he squeezes the deer in such a way that a sound comes out of its mouth - "Billbrasky!" It wasn't exactly it, but it was pretty good for a deer!

That's nothing. Once my wife Peg and my son Bud were on vacation in Ocean City Maryland. While sunning ourselves with spf45 lotion we saw the most amazing thing. A small pilot whale was in obvious distress. Out of nowhere a giant of a man bounds out into the surf. I could tell it was Bill Brasky by his Roger Ramjet speedo. Well Bill dives into the surf and like a torpedo from one of those old cheesy WWII movies makes a bee-line for the stricken creature. Then ensued a struggle of epic proportions. An 8 foot lamprey eel had inserted itself into the blow hole of the doomed whale. But BB would have no part of that. After what seemed hours BB was victorious in removing the scoundrel. Once removed , BB swallowed the monster eel whole in one gulp. We all gasped as Bill emerged from the surf. A thunderous applause greeted our hero. After witnessing such heroics I turned back in disgust and slapped Peg! True Story.

I remember one time Brasky took his family to Sea World. They were watching Shamu the whale when Brasky got splashed. So Brasky yells, 'I'm Bill Brasky and no one gets me wet!' So he climbs into the tank, grabs Shamu, and throws the whale into the audience, splashes him and yells, 'How do you like it?' And then damn if Brasky didn't step in there and finish the show.