Biggest Micromanaging Company EVER!


What is with all the micromanaging here?
I am a new rep this year and can’t believe that the managers here treat everyone like they are kids, checking everything from first call entry to final call entry, r & f, call averages, check your boxes and make your metrics. What happened to actually selling the products in your bag??? Don’t forget the poor respiratory team with those stupid respiratory dolls and make sure you use then on every embarrassing! Why not let them tell a story with patient profile. Seems like someone in marketing was trying to save their job! words!


What is with all the micromanaging here?
I am a new rep this year and can’t believe that the managers here treat everyone like they are kids, checking everything from first call entry to final call entry, r & f, call averages, check your boxes and make your metrics. What happened to actually selling the products in your bag??? Don’t forget the poor respiratory team with those stupid respiratory dolls and make sure you use then on every embarrassing! Why not let them tell a story with patient profile. Seems like someone in marketing was trying to save their job! words!

Don’t forget Ass Kissing Company. These managers all have their own little favorites that they give everything to. The RDs are just as bad. KD in OH gets treated like he walks on water by both his manager & RD and he hasn’t even been here 2 years!

What is with all the micromanaging here?
I am a new rep this year and can’t believe that the managers here treat everyone like they are kids, checking everything from first call entry to final call entry, r & f, call averages, check your boxes and make your metrics. What happened to actually selling the products in your bag??? Don’t forget the poor respiratory team with those stupid respiratory dolls and make sure you use then on every embarrassing! Why not let them tell a story with patient profile. Seems like someone in marketing was trying to save their job! words!
Ok? I'm confused? What world were you hired from? Yea BI does this, so did the last Pharma company I worked for and so does other Pharma companies in the industry.

Micromanaging is simply a way of saying "my job is stupid and I need to fabricate silly tasks and oversights to give my job purpose". As pointed out above, all big pharma managers engage in this idiotic mental masturbation to one degree or another. Some just to justify their job with equally "purposed challenged" management above, some, well they lap up the big pharma nonsense because frankly, they are stupid

This is why I left BI 16 years ago. The micro managing is ridiculous, right down to the manager wanting to set up your trunk her way. That and the cookie cutter messaging well and the favoritism and the fact my then manager was a psycho witch. So much happier now, small pharma treats you like an adult and actually lets you manage your own business and they pay so much better. That said I would have chosen to work at McDonalds than work for JSB. I hear she manages to sleep her way into a RD position. So sad when the very worst are promoted

What is with all the micromanaging here?
I am a new rep this year and can’t believe that the managers here treat everyone like they are kids, checking everything from first call entry to final call entry, r & f, call averages, check your boxes and make your metrics. What happened to actually selling the products in your bag??? Don’t forget the poor respiratory team with those stupid respiratory dolls and make sure you use then on every embarrassing! Why not let them tell a story with patient profile. Seems like someone in marketing was trying to save their job! words!

all of pharma and bio tech has been this way for the last 20 years.

get creative, and look for something better. network to the best of your ability, to find something more empowering that this.

just make sure you are out of debt and have at least around 100 K in cash, a total monthly liability of around 2k/month before you do it.

pharma is a tricky job because you can get easily baited into the big house, big spending, but the truth is you shouldn't do that because this industry is not stable, and the people in it are not of high character.

make your moves wisely and you will be fine. downsize in your personal life is the empowerment that will take your life to another level.

best to you.