Big surprise #2


I can tell you that Bobbie J has implemented plans that make it all but impossible to be promoted. This goes for existing Boehringer employees, inventive reps that hope to eventually become Boehringer employees, and fixed duration reps. The goal is through attrition to eventually clear most everybody out. Sorry to break the news to you, just thought you should know.


Promoted to what? PC to SSF? What a joke. If you want to be a DM, go ahead and slurp the corporate man juice. Reps hate DMs, Docs hate DMs, RDs had DMs, and other DMs hate DMs. What a crappy job. The key is to make 10 calls a day, take a 3 hour lunch to lay by the pool, and hit a few docs in the afternoon. The week before your DM comes out, tell the docs about it to look good then go back to sampling for another month. Gravy gig.

Promoted to what? PC to SSF? What a joke. If you want to be a DM, go ahead and slurp the corporate man juice. Reps hate DMs, Docs hate DMs, RDs had DMs, and other DMs hate DMs. What a crappy job. The key is to make 10 calls a day, take a 3 hour lunch to lay by the pool, and hit a few docs in the afternoon. The week before your DM comes out, tell the docs about it to look good then go back to sampling for another month. Gravy gig.

Rep to management. The worst gets promoted practice continues in this region.

My big surprise number 2 was the big wolf poo I shot out into the back of by Subaru and my beak nosed counterpart came and put her huge beak into the poo and loved it all. She loved it! She looooooooooooooved it!

I can tell you that Bobbie J has implemented plans that make it all but impossible to be promoted. This goes for existing Boehringer employees, inventive reps that hope to eventually become Boehringer employees, and fixed duration reps. The goal is through attrition to eventually clear most everybody out. Sorry to break the news to you, just thought you should know.
