big raises or sunken ship


Ic plan officially blows. Capped commissions and clearly less earning potential for anyone in the northeast Texas Florida or California. Congrats Kansas and Idaho, as you will earn money for once. I hope the raises are big otherwise I would be attrition rates will be soaring in just a few short weeks.

This is redic, I am briging in more business than ever and making barely a commish!! WTF. The new ic plan sux big time. I see the warning signs now more than ever when you the IC pln has changed 4 times in the last year.

It's clear to me that unless these pay raises are massive (tee-hee), I will be taking a significant pay cut this year as a result of the new "IC plan"...and last year's pay was a disgrace. Attrition will be through the roof this year. The new "IC Plan" is a joke. Could have spread the payouts a little more even instead blowing it all on the top 50% of ranked reps. Good way top de-motivate everyone else...or motivate everyone else to GTF out.

Yeah, someone explain to me why we're ranked against other reps all over the country in our payout? WTF do I care how well or poor a rep in Idaho is? (no offense to you Idaho Reps) If I'm growing my market share and volume here but the Idaho rep grows his/hers more, they make more????? And depending on how you're ranked, you can make A LOT more or A LOT less. makes sense.

The sense of entitlement you display for your poor performance is frankly, comical. Many of you are not even close to where you should be. Kowa ought to terminate the bottom 30% of the sales force and hire recent college grads that have decent attitudes unlike your sorry asses. You couldn't sell if your life depended on it. You might consider a nice retail position as that might fit your ability and sloth-like work ethic better...

The sense of entitlement you display for your poor performance is frankly, comical. Many of you are not even close to where you should be. Kowa ought to terminate the bottom 30% of the sales force and hire recent college grads that have decent attitudes unlike your sorry asses. You couldn't sell if your life depended on it. You might consider a nice retail position as that might fit your ability and sloth-like work ethic better...

Typical kowa management way of motivating the salesforce.

The sense of entitlement you display for your poor performance is frankly, comical. Many of you are not even close to where you should be. Kowa ought to terminate the bottom 30% of the sales force and hire recent college grads that have decent attitudes unlike your sorry asses. You couldn't sell if your life depended on it. You might consider a nice retail position as that might fit your ability and sloth-like work ethic better...

OMG... The logic behind this comment laughable. So because reps are in the bottom 30 percent at kowa they are shitty non working reps that deserved to be as under paid as they are????? Ok because the high volume territories work sooo much harder??? This company is obsessed on paying for past performance not paying on growth. The fact that you judge a representative in their rank is idiotic.

The sense of entitlement you display for your poor performance is frankly, comical. Many of you are not even close to where you should be. Kowa ought to terminate the bottom 30% of the sales force and hire recent college grads that have decent attitudes unlike your sorry asses. You couldn't sell if your life depended on it. You might consider a nice retail position as that might fit your ability and sloth-like work ethic better...

You couldn't sell in one if these territories if your ass depended on it. You would be chewed up and spit out in 1 call. Yeah it's our attitude that is the cause if our low sales no other factor. The bottom 30 percent if this company could outsell the top 30 percent anyday. It isn't the reps fault that kowa put them in these territories.

The sense of entitlement you display for your poor performance is frankly, comical. Many of you are not even close to where you should be. Kowa ought to terminate the bottom 30% of the sales force and hire recent college grads that have decent attitudes unlike your sorry asses. You couldn't sell if your life depended on it. You might consider a nice retail position as that might fit your ability and sloth-like work ethic better...

Seriously, are you ignorant or a live in a bubble where your poop doesn't stink bc everything is coming up roses for you??!! Listen, I've invested more time in my territory in a day than you probably work all week. AND YES VIRGINIA I CAN SELL, that's why I doubled my volume for both products. BUT guess what that doesn't matter!!! If you are not in the top 50% then you make diddly squat! OH and IF there WASN'T a bottom 30% guess where you would be BUDDY?

The sense of entitlement you display for your poor performance is frankly, comical. Many of you are not even close to where you should be. Kowa ought to terminate the bottom 30% of the sales force and hire recent college grads that have decent attitudes unlike your sorry asses. You couldn't sell if your life depended on it. You might consider a nice retail position as that might fit your ability and sloth-like work ethic better...

YOu A ss hole, that is what Kowa does already. I dont work for Kowa anymore its been 3 yrs and you people are the f u c k en same! You ding dong, nothing has changed. Still a efffed up company and always will be. I get my kicks reading Kowa's drama. hahhaahahahaa!

The sense of entitlement you display for your poor performance is frankly, comical. Many of you are not even close to where you should be. Kowa ought to terminate the bottom 30% of the sales force and hire recent college grads that have decent attitudes unlike your sorry asses. You couldn't sell if your life depended on it. You might consider a nice retail position as that might fit your ability and sloth-like work ethic better...

I was just thinking that 70% of all management should be tossed. You think recent college grads would be more 'grateful'?? How about more entitled and spoiled? But anyone can see right through your sorry, petty line--all Kowa cares about with this college grad nonsense is that they'll work for 40k a year. You know what, toots? You couldn't MANAGE if your life depended on it. Just take a look at all the "crap" references to your company on the Kowa section.