Big Pharma rep here, tell us more about GPS


How do you know it was installed?

Did they tell you, did you have to sign anything to acknowledge the installation or the tracking?

Has it ever been used against a rep?

We all here this is coming, just wondering how it was handled with you guys.

Thanks in advance for your help

How do you know it was installed?

Did they tell you, did you have to sign anything to acknowledge the installation or the tracking?

Has it ever been used against a rep?

We all here this is coming, just wondering how it was handled with you guys.

Thanks in advance for your help

We knew it was installed because we were all at our district meetings when the technician came to install them and we all were done at the same time. Our GPS is used in conjunction with another program that we use to monitor our call cycles, minimum calls a day, and frequency on the accounts. I personally have never had anyone say anything to me about my performance because I WORK!!! and I work hard, and everyone around me knows that. My doctors see me. It's the reps who come here to coast through a job and don't want to work because they think it's a cake walk and they are sadly mistaken and usually leave the company because they are getting their asses handed to them by the competition and the management. GPS is nothing if you work. It just tells the upper management that they can't say shit to you when you are working hard and the numbers aren't matching up. The economy, doctor's buying habits, etc... those are factors you can't really control but if you are working then you are GOLD, my friend.