Big pharma pays US doctors $150m in 2011


Uh, that's less than $300 per physician in the US. A doc goes to a couple dinner lectures orenrollsaptientina clinical trial and they hit that number.

I wonder how much the average Democrat politician pocketed from public employee unions? That's $$$ extorted directly from taxpayers. Come 2012 President Perry is going to put an end to all of these Marxist monkeyshines.

Oh boy, here come the liberal dumbasses making hay over nothing.

Hears a headline - Obama gives hundreds of billions to green company cronies that all go bankrupt.

Obama gives billions to GM and they make a crappy electric car that nobody wants!

Unions get billions from stimulus funds.

Corporate crony to Obama, GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, gets plush WH job as jobs czar, then sends jobs overseas, pay no taxes on billions.

Socialist billionaire, George Soros, profits from Obama policies.

Obama blames congress for not doing it's job, goes on vacation in haven for the uber wealthy, jobs plan for millions who are out of work must wait.

Obama paid unions $2 trillion for his 2012 re-election, backed by Chinese holding debt. It was called TARP bailout for GM employees and pension and the free market bondholders got screwed. WHO the Pfuck cares about $150 million of Pfizer's money?