Biden voted for the Afghanistan war, but now claims no alternative to current chaos


You are memory holing Trump’s part. He drew the troops down to 2500 and now pretends it was a ‘bargaining tactic.’ LOL. Easy to say after the fact. Why didn’t the outgoing president sit down with the incoming president and fully inform him? That’s what patriotic Americans do. Trump thinks he’s a mob boss though. A boss with a tin foil hat. :eek:

You are memory holing Trump’s part. He drew the troops down to 2500 and now pretends it was a ‘bargaining tactic.’ LOL. Easy to say after the fact. Why didn’t the outgoing president sit down with the incoming president and fully inform him? That’s what patriotic Americans do. Trump thinks he’s a mob boss though. A boss with a tin foil hat. :eek:
That's irrelevant, dumbass.
Biden took the action, and had the option to do whatever he wanted.
YOUR boy is 100% guilty

This is how stupid low information Trump voters are. They don't realize that it was Trump's bungling of the negotiations with the Taliban that set this in motion. Trump even had to be talked out of immediately withdrawing all US forces out of Afghanistan in the last days of his administration. That is how dumb he is.

Biden could have handled this better probably, but he is so so much smarter than Trump that there is no comparison.

This is how stupid low information Trump voters are. They don't realize that it was Trump's bungling of the negotiations with the Taliban that set this in motion. Trump even had to be talked out of immediately withdrawing all US popl forces out of Afghanistan in the last days of his administration. That is how dumb he is.

Biden could have handled this better probably, but he is so so much smarter than Trump that there is no comparison.
One thing we’re definitely not stupid enough to do is believe your idiot nonsense post! This is ALL on Slow JOE! ALL!
Maybe you shouldn’t have bragged so much about how ole Demented Joe had so rapidly and completely reversed everything that Trump had done! If that was the case then he could have renegotiated the deal, but regardless of the deal it is was how the withdrawal was going to be executed and ole Joe made a disaster of it! Now sit down and shut up before you and Joe get humiliated some more!