Biden to Mandate 70% Reduction in Pharma Prices


I find it hilarious that 97% of Merck is liberal and the very man they voted for is about to take a massive dump on their chest. Say goodbye to your jobs! But hey at least you are social justice warriors! Fuckin idiots

I find it hilarious that 97% of Merck is liberal and the very man they voted for is about to take a massive dump on their chest. Say goodbye to your jobs! But hey at least you are social justice warriors! Fuckin idiots
its not 97%, more like 50% liberal, but they are the only ones that are free to speak up without fear of retribution

In general, pharma wants to be friends to what ever party is in power to keep the money flowing. If the republicans had complete control in Washington, Merck would have less liberal policies in place.

Gotta Love Biden - 70% reduction in Merck prices will eliminate Executives and preserve all of field sales !!!

tax the rich !! Liberate the poor !!

Merck doesn't need Biden to take it down. Pfizer just handed MRK a big punch in the gut with its
COVID pill---90% effective. Hope you sold your MRK stock yesterday, fellas! From $90 to $82 and dropping fast.

Now you can take the Pfizer drug when you get COVID---You know, that fake pandemic that's killed over 700K Americans and growing. How a company known for innovative vaccines hires employees who refuse vaccination is just another example of how a once respected corporation may never regain its footing.

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