Biden/Harris Czar Department of Diversity


It’s great the Trump swamp has been fired! The country is relieved with competent Cabinet appointments as evidence of the stock market response. The market is reacting favorably to the new Biden-Harris administration. This American nightmare is almost over. He will be facing legal issues possible jail time for all the crimes committed over the last 5 years. Trump will just conn and fleece his cult following. His latest con is to line his pockets and defense fund until Jan 21, 2020. Karma is real...Lock him up!!!

It’s great the Trump swamp has been fired! The country is relieved with competent Cabinet appointments as evidence of the stock market response. The market is reacting favorably to the new Biden-Harris administration. This American nightmare is almost over. He will be facing legal issues possible jail time for all the crimes committed over the last 5 years. Trump will just conn and fleece his cult following. His latest con is to line his pockets and defense fund until Jan 21, 2020. Karma is real...Lock him up!!!
Nice try. Stock market is reacting to Trumps favorable business environment, and the knowledge there is zero chance any of the biden-harris crazy campaign promises get through a split House and Senate (Dems were obliterated in both). With that in mind, market sees at least 2 more years of status quo (Trumps policies). That being said, we will play the game and compare the market Trumps first day in office versus his last day and compare it to Biden’s first day (in January) versus his last in 4 years later.

Should they announce this cabinet position today like Climate Change, will there be industry wide positions to enforce this from top to bottom of companies?

That’s the only way White Males will give up their head seat and surrounding seats at the table. They won’t do it willingly. The most qualified person should always get the job. The Board and Management shouldn’t be 95% plus White Males. Then sales representatives will be the same.

That’s the only way White Males will give up their head seat and surrounding seats at the table. They won’t do it willingly. The most qualified person should always get the job. The Board and Management shouldn’t be 95% plus White Males. Then sales representatives will be the same.

So, do ethics, morals and integrity in all things especially how you previously ran or helped run a company matter?

Do these things matter MORE than business performance? Meaning, you can't simply have a great track record because you had no real restraints to raise prices to maximize profit? Or you could actually run a company with brutal, opaque contractual and accounting practices in a business like say, a Pharmacy Benefits Management company. Does that matter?

Let me know so I know how you evaluate who the best candidate is rather than skin pigmentation. And I'll share an example of how hypocritical our industry "leaders" and corporate America actually is regarding the most important principled quality an executive leader should have leading a multi-billion dollar, multi-national entity.

That’s the only way White Males will give up their head seat and surrounding seats at the table. They won’t do it willingly. The most qualified person should always get the job. The Board and Management shouldn’t be 95% plus White Males. Then sales representatives will be the same.

The 95% to which you refer is a good number to insure company success. Anything less is a company killer. When Biden and his fellow Marxists take over, and this industry is under government control, then reps will become obsolete . Contracting then becomes number 1. I pray it happens, and all the Biden idiots find themselves unemployed! I will admit, stealing the election was a stroke of genius !

So, do ethics, morals and integrity in all things especially how you previously ran or helped run a company matter?

Do these things matter MORE than business performance? Meaning, you can't simply have a great track record because you had no real restraints to raise prices to maximize profit? Or you could actually run a company with brutal, opaque contractual and accounting practices in a business like say, a Pharmacy Benefits Management company. Does that matter?

Let me know so I know how you evaluate who the best candidate is rather than skin pigmentation. And I'll share an example of how hypocritical our industry "leaders" and corporate America actually is regarding the most important principled quality an executive leader should have leading a multi-billion dollar, multi-national entity.

Morals, Integrity, Ethics? I’d best my last dollar you voted MAGA. Please cut the BS. Everything is about race.

The 95% to which you refer is a good number to insure company success. Anything less is a company killer. When Biden and his fellow Marxists take over, and this industry is under government control, then reps will become obsolete . Contracting then becomes number 1. I pray it happens, and all the Biden idiots find themselves unemployed! I will admit, stealing the election was a stroke of genius !
I hear you loud and clear, but their is to much at stake for the pharma companies to allow that to happen. Everyone thinks the NRA has the most clout and high pressure lobbyist, its the pharmaceutical companies that do, and won’t allow this administration to dictate policy, also the republicans will control the senate, and picked up five seats in the house, its going to be another cluster fuck.....which is good for us.

Morals, Integrity, Ethics? I’d best my last dollar you voted MAGA. Please cut the BS. Everything is about race.

I'd "best" my last dollar too. Yu are so blinded by the race card, you havent paid attn to what Trump has done over the lest 3-4 years. The DEMS want you thinking everything is about race so they can stay and power. Same goes for The Right Reverand's JJ and AS. Disingenious a-holes.