Biden Covid advisor: U.S. lockdown of 4 to 6 weeks could control pandemic and revive economy


Science will be back in charge and not Jared Kushner!

Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden, said a nationwide lockdown would help bring the virus under control in the U.S.
He said the government could borrow enough money to pay for a package that would cover lost income for individuals and governments during a shutdown.
“We could really watch ourselves cruising into the vaccine availability in the first and second quarter of next year while bringing back the economy long before that,” he said.


Science will be back in charge and not Jared Kushner!

Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden, said a nationwide lockdown would help bring the virus under control in the U.S.
He said the government could borrow enough money to pay for a package that would cover lost income for individuals and governments during a shutdown.
“We could really watch ourselves cruising into the vaccine availability in the first and second quarter of next year while bringing back the economy long before that,” he said.

So the EU had strict lockdowns and now they’re doing it again. New York State had lockdowns and now they’re about to do it again. Those lockdowns didn’t eliminate the virus. Is the goal to reach zero cases ? If so, we will be locked down forever.
The only way the vaccine will save the day quickly is if enough people get it quickly.
Will the vaccine be mandatory in a Biden administration? I’m sure Pfizer would like that

Science will be back in charge and not Jared Kushner!

Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden, said a nationwide lockdown would help bring the virus under control in the U.S.
He said the government could borrow enough money to pay for a package that would cover lost income for individuals and governments during a shutdown.
“We could really watch ourselves cruising into the vaccine availability in the first and second quarter of next year while bringing back the economy long before that,” he said.

Just one more talking head.

So the EU had strict lockdowns and now they’re doing it again. New York State had lockdowns and now they’re about to do it again. Those lockdowns didn’t eliminate the virus. Is the goal to reach zero cases ? If so, we will be locked down forever.
The only way the vaccine will save the day quickly is if enough people get it quickly.
Will the vaccine be mandatory in a Biden administration? I’m sure Pfizer would like that

Right, when the lockdown ends and people come into contact with each other, it’s back.
Don’t bet your house on the vaccine. Don’t forget the virus will continue to mutate, very likely making the vaccine less effective over time.
Biden can shove it.

This has been the solution the entire time. Lock everyone down for two months until the disease is no longer infectious.

Require companies to retain and pay their employees for two months, and have banks forgive all debts during that time.

And close the stock market for two months

The economy is effed either way. So this would be a controlled pause on the economy.

This has been the solution the entire time. Lock everyone down for two months until the disease is no longer infectious.

Require companies to retain and pay their employees for two months, and have banks forgive all debts during that time.

And close the stock market for two months

The economy is effed either way. So this would be a controlled pause on the economy.
Was there ever really a lockdown? People could fly, take trains, buses, subways, travel etc etc lockdown means noone in noone out for weeks - the close one place everyone goes where it’s open the cycle starts all over

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