BI-weekly pay lawsuit


I am going to write a letter to my labor board. I might not be an employee in June so I will not get the extra week to make up for 5 months of lost wages. I am losing out on my 401k match too.

If there is more I can do let me know. I don't want to get an attorney. I just want my lost wages


Please tell me you are not really this stupid.

You will get paid and 401K match for the days you work or are listed as actively employed. The pay cycle is irrelevant!

We were paid monthly which meant each check had 4.33 weeks, or an average of 21.67 days.
Now you get paid every other week, so 10 days each pay period.

If you work 20 days before termination, you will get paid and matched for 20 days.
If you work 32 days before termination, you will get paid and matched for 31 days.

You should count yourself lucky you are employed at all since you are clearly not qualified to count change at McDonald's. Good grief!

Seriously replies only!!!!
If you aren't here for the June and November( 3 pay periods) you are making less.
If you are a yearly employee no problem. All others have lost wages.

Youre an idiot. Are you so stupid to think Novartis doesn't know what they are doing? Do you think Novartis is the only company that utilizes this type of pay structure? Tons of major corporations pay in this fashion. But yeah, run to the lawyer, dipshit. What a rope licker.

Seriously replies only!!!!
If you aren't here for the June and November( 3 pay periods) you are making less.
If you are a yearly employee no problem. All others have lost wages.

No you are not. You are paid for days worked. Have you ever printed out a pay stub?

Your annual pay used to be divided by 12. Now it is divided by 26. However, if you work a partial month, you get paid for every hour of every day you work REGARDLESS OF THE PAY SCHEDULE!

Tell me you're really not in a six figure a year job yet can't figure this out. Really.