BI Vacation

This company gives more than enought time off for PTO. However, there are still some bottom dwellers who complain. 10 holidays, three floaters and a minimum of 18 days is pretty damn good.

You are so full of shit. Sick days are part of the PTO and we get snow days if the schools are closed.

Dude, I wok her and we get PTO to use however we chose fir - this means for such things as snow days, Christmas vacation, tooth fairy day, etc. Your choice but they give 10 normal holiday days a year (i.e., MLK, Memorial, Independence, Labor, etc). All the rest come from you using them. There is none of this "if schools are closed crap".

My DM made us use PTO on blizzard days. There is an inclement weather policy, however, management tends to ignore that!

Your manager does. I've taken several snow days this year with the knowledge and approval of my DM. I doubt this is a regional policy. I believe it is a corporate policy and snow days are based on the school closings. It all comes down to liability and if a manager decides on his own he won't follow corporate policy, he will have some problems if the district pursues it with HR.

Your manager does. I've taken several snow days this year with the knowledge and approval of my DM. I doubt this is a regional policy. I believe it is a corporate policy and snow days are based on the school closings. It all comes down to liability and if a manager decides on his own he won't follow corporate policy, he will have some problems if the district pursues it with HR.

There is a policy, but it says nothing about school closings. Maybe you should read it.