BI: Literally the Cheapest Company of God's Green Earth


At BI I once got shot for expensing a "snack" while traveling on business by my DM. My new company pays $125/meal. That's $125 for breakfast. $125 for lunch. And $125 for dinner.

You all need to leave. This place is a joke show. I feel lucky to have been shit-canned.


At BI I once got shot for expensing a "snack" while traveling on business by my DM. My new company pays $125/meal. That's $125 for breakfast. $125 for lunch. And $125 for dinner.

You all need to leave. This place is a joke show. I feel lucky to have been shit-canned.[/QUOTE
That my friend is nothing but pure gluttony. It is this kind of overindulgence that gives pharma a bad rap. No wonder health systems and real health care professionals want nothing to do with us. We're all seen as whores. I'll stick with coffee and yogurt for breakfast. Stay real my friend, none of us need $125 for breakfast unless you're a cow.

I'll ponder your reaction to this over a nice steak dinner at John Howie.

Don't believe me? Look around and see what's out there. You'll be amazed.

I have worked at a DME company and 3 pharma companies. I have never heard of a $375 per diem for meals. Where the hell would you even go for a $125 breakfast?

I have worked at a DME company and 3 pharma companies. I have never heard of a $375 per diem for meals. Where the hell would you even go for a $125 breakfast?

OP here... I think it's bizarre too. The reason I was given is that they just want employees having to remember one number. So basically, they're generous and they trust you to make the right decision.

Imagine that... Trust and respect.

OP here... I think it's bizarre too. The reason I was given is that they just want employees having to remember one number. So basically, they're generous and they trust you to make the right decision.

Imagine that... Trust and respect.

Keep us posted on how your new company does everything right. They trust you, they respect you, sure they do.

OP here... I think it's bizarre too. The reason I was given is that they just want employees having to remember one number. So basically, they're generous and they trust you to make the right decision.

Imagine that... Trust and respect.
But they don't trust you to remember three numbers? Imagine that.