BI conversion

If you were not converted over to BI, your days are numbered!! Start looking for another position!!

Idiot! This is an anxiety causing topic and people should shut up if they don't know what they're talking about. The conversion hasn't even begun yet....if your territory is not posted it means nothing. You'll just continue to do your job as a VSR. It may get posted later in the year BTW. PCP2 positions will be posted within the next few days. If you interview for your position and don't get it, then yes, you're displaced. The vast majority of VSRs in conversion territories will be selected and hired as BI employess because they're obviously the best candidates for thos positions. Displacements will be very rare....this is a good thing folks. Nay-sayers, doubters and anti-CSO jackasses, sorry but this is all good and is a tremendous testament to the quality of the inVentiv reps in these positions.

I am interviewing-already have-for a BI conversion and I wonder why the DM interviewed 6 people and it is not automatically the VSR getting the she just going through the motions-after the interview I had to fill out an extensive online application for background check etc. she told me next steps were to talk to another DM and RM....please explain if this means I am actually being considered-or is this just some formality

I am interviewing-already have-for a BI conversion and I wonder why the DM interviewed 6 people and it is not automatically the VSR getting the she just going through the motions-after the interview I had to fill out an extensive online application for background check etc. she told me next steps were to talk to another DM and RM....please explain if this means I am actually being considered-or is this just some formality

The DM is interviewing because he/she has an opening. What part of "these are territory conversions, not rep conversions..." has you confused? The vast majority of VSRs will be selected and hired for these positions because they are the best candidates, for obvious reasons. If you have been a dud, however, or constantly pushed your DM's buttons, this would be a chance for him/her to hire someone better. If you've done a good job, get along with everyone in your area, etc, you should be good to go. The DM is following the correct process.

Have a phone interview tomorrow for a BI Pharma rep II position that was posted on the BI career site. My email is from "VSRConversion2". I have never worked for Ventiv, however. I wonder if this is a situation where they are just interviewing additional candidates in order to make it legal, or do I really have a chance. I have lots of cardiovascular experience, but not in the last five years.

Have a phone interview tomorrow for a BI Pharma rep II position that was posted on the BI career site. My email is from "VSRConversion2". I have never worked for Ventiv, however. I wonder if this is a situation where they are just interviewing additional candidates in order to make it legal, or do I really have a chance. I have lots of cardiovascular experience, but not in the last five years.

It's hard to tell, but I am sure there are some Ventiv reps that they don't want to keep. Treat it like you have a chance, because you never know. I know of Ventiv reps who were not kept in the last round.

It's hard to tell, but I am sure there are some Ventiv reps that they don't want to keep. Treat it like you have a chance, because you never know. I know of Ventiv reps who were not kept in the last round.

Good assessment...most VSRs will be selected but not all, so go after it aggressively and you might have a chance. Truth is, it's not much different than most vacancies out there; there are usually some "insider" candidates...good luck.

Sleeve 2 will be Pradaxa/Spiriva; Sleeve 4 is Spiriva/Tradjenta; Sleeve 1 is Spiriva/Aggrenox/Tradjenta

Posted for Primary Care 2-posted with Sleeve 2 and Sleeve 4 openings

you can get in, provided there isn't some special someone that will swoop in and fill your spot. A relative of management, the under performing child of a prominent local physician, etc. etc. Don't think it is an automatic switch just because you may actually be good at your job.

BI moves slow.. 5 miles per hour in a school zone... MY ASS!!!!! I was hired as a VSR 3rd qtr 2011. Had great FCR's, worked incredibly well with my geoteam counterpart, specialty, and inspec reps.. re-interviewed right after the New Years. I was told there was no time-line, just hold on and wait. Spoke with my boss the Thursday before the POA, last week. He told me get ready for a great week, we're going to talk about managed care initiatives, be in early, and we will all get together... etc... The next day, I got the AXE from my inVentiv ERM. "I'm sorry, you were not chosen by your BI DM to continue in your sales role" I'm sorry, it was a very tough decision... B.S.!!!! Now they have to re-hire someone else, get them trained, learn the territory, and leave the remaining rep without a counterpart for another 2 months...
Have you ever noticed how much the BI logo looks like the middle finger???

It's amazing what great actors these DM's are. More than one rep has been completely blind sided by these asses. I don't know what kind of training they get, but you can't detect the lie. For all who are not moved forward, I wish you the best. Crazy world.