BHBU managers

"seems like we have too many managers"

Are you kidding me? That is the understatement of the decade. Way too many DM's, RSD's, marketing folks, and other TO douches. In general, too many people that have no contact with revenue generating customers. Oh yeah, my DM rides with me, but DM's do not generate any cash. In fact, all they are is an expense.

This company needs an enema. From the top down.

"seems like we have too many managers"

Are you kidding me? That is the understatement of the decade. Way too many DM's, RSD's, marketing folks, and other TO douches. In general, too many people that have no contact with revenue generating customers. Oh yeah, my DM rides with me, but DM's do not generate any cash. In fact, all they are is an expense.

This company needs an enema. From the top down.

I'm doing pretty well but apparently not good enough with all of the micromanaging that we receive from out DM. She has ridden with so many times, that it simply seems repetitive yet not one of my accounts has written any Prolia when my manager has been in there with me and in fact, she has taken over calls and still no business to speak of. So why am I mainly held accountable and not the DM?

I'm doing pretty well but apparently not good enough with all of the micromanaging that we receive from out DM. She has ridden with so many times, that it simply seems repetitive yet not one of my accounts has written any Prolia when my manager has been in there with me and in fact, she has taken over calls and still no business to speak of. So why am I mainly held accountable and not the DM?

because we're smarter than you, amd you believed us at the interview.

because we're smarter than you, amd you believed us at the interview.

Not hardly. More like, you believed me at the interview. I falsified just about everything on my resume, including salary and I got a hell of alot more money than what I should've recieved, so look in the mirror. My DM is absolutely worthless and countless offices have told me to never bring that person in again.

Unlike the Reclast Rep Amgen hired 3 months ago who now appears to be using Amgen's card to fill up the teenager's gas tank. Novartis gave this gem walking papers last December and Amgen paid more to pick this rep up. Congrats Amgen.

can't you all see, the writing is on the wall. Notice that everytime a Manager leaves, they do not replace them, they put the reps in another district. It's WAY obvious, there are too many Managers, what's Amgen to do? I also heard at if you don't have 75 syringes sold by the end of the month (the goal is 150 of course), you are going on a plan. They are going to do theor best to get you off the books, you are costing the company money! So, you have a few weeks left, get to it! We all get the VP report so we can all see who this will happen too, there's no way to hide!!!!

Well, anyone who made 50 syringes by Q1 and doesn't make at least 150 syringes by June 30th gets NO bonus Q2. It's ridiculous to front load the bonus and then get none, which is only 50% of target. I am moving on. All this work for nothing Q2.

can't you all see, the writing is on the wall. Notice that everytime a Manager leaves, they do not replace them, they put the reps in another district. It's WAY obvious, there are too many Managers, what's Amgen to do? I also heard at if you don't have 75 syringes sold by the end of the month (the goal is 150 of course), you are going on a plan. They are going to do theor best to get you off the books, you are costing the company money! So, you have a few weeks left, get to it! We all get the VP report so we can all see who this will happen too, there's no way to hide!!!!