BHBU Manager's Meeting Next Week, Why??

you just sold yourself out, each district manager was told to tell his reps where the meeting was and each of them was given a different location. So now your manager knows it was someone in his district, watch out for IP address tracking. Why do you think they pay for your DSL

you just sold yourself out, each district manager was told to tell his reps where the meeting was and each of them was given a different location. So now your manager knows it was someone in his district, watch out for IP address tracking. Why do you think they pay for your DSL

That's BS and you know it! What a rep does on THEIR own time is none of the companies business, ESPECIALLY if it's on the personal computer of someone. Besides the original poster didn't post anything inflammatory, just asked a question. Go scare someone else. NO GROUNDS for anything, period and end of discussion. Lawyers would have a field day with that. By the way, what the hell is DSL?

That's BS and you know it! What a rep does on THEIR own time is none of the companies business, ESPECIALLY if it's on the personal computer of someone. Besides the original poster didn't post anything inflammatory, just asked a question. Go scare someone else. NO GROUNDS for anything, period and end of discussion. Lawyers would have a field day with that. By the way, what the hell is DSL?

how old or out of touch are you, stop spending your bonus on your breast and use your usc education you must know what dsl is

Hopefully they will realign the whole nation and straighten this BHBU mess up once and for all. The sales force was aligned based on a much broader label than we got, and it is time to scale back on the craziness of this management team. We could do with half the managers.