HT ran away knowing things will only get tougher from here. S2 forecast is sooooooooo crazy , she had to parachute out now and leave us to suffer from her pathetic leadership.
If the new GM has any guts he'll reset plan and start over by removing other leaders. If not he will fail,my guess is he got job because he will follow along this unrealistic forecast and we'll pay the price
Coming to Amgen was worse decision I've made, can't wait to leave
But there's still a chance to regain ground. To the HR people who monitor these posts here's the list:
Make sure a second quarter bonus is paid to those who hit the first quarter number, but not the second. Pay a percentage of sales even if it is at a lower rate.
Redo the comp plan for S2. Already 65% after the first month is not on target to meet the 120 goal. Forget about Wall St and think about the employees. Do a % of market share like XGEVA got.
Stop the insane micromanaging. I can't even go into some offices when my manager is along because they are sick of all the people coming and going. It's ridiculous.
Give a little more money for programs. We can go out with a bang.
Treat everyone like adults. If CT says "Do the right thing" one more time I am going to throw my phone across the room.
Thanks and good night.
"Forget about Wall St and think about the employees"? How naive are you pod monkey? You've got a huge total compensation plan you're not even close to justifying and you want more regardless of your performance? Unbelievable, go start your own company and pay your employees mass bonuses no matter how little they produce and see how long you last.
"Forget about Wall St and think about the employees"? How naive are you pod monkey? You've got a huge total compensation plan you're not even close to justifying and you want more regardless of your performance? Unbelievable, go start your own company and pay your employees mass bonuses no matter how little they produce and see how long you last.
You OBVIOUSLY missed the point, you dumbass!
Okay, I'm a dumbass. What is the point?
The point is, Your a Dumbass!! The industry as a whole does not operate on one territory to another(performance) ,(we are operating right now as one shoe size fits all) NEVER has. Some territories are high yielding and others are not. Not to mention the sales the company gets that are never recordable to a specific territory, district or region.
The uniqueness of this, is just what happened the Regional that got sent back to ATO, that region was low perfoming, they did not shut it all down, they shifted it to another region. Really and truthfully all they need is 5 regions PERIOD. Shift mgmt. downward and profits would increase seen it many times..
I lived that world..
You're even more incoherent and illiterate when you're mad, funny, yet also sad. Grab your Starbucks tray of frappes and head back to your homeland monkey pod, you will be happy again.