BG - still at zoll


How in the world is this bsing Jesus loving full of crap human being still with the company? Ak has to be asking Rick P how a cash cow can become a complete nose dive joke of an organization!
He has run off any talented rep or manager and doesn't realize that we have the power to let his world continue to cascade downward. I have been gone from the company for quite some time and I'm still asked ... Should I even interview? Of course I Say No!!!
No talent = No growth!
Bad rep = closed doors!
If you buddy up and play the thumping born again role or have dark colored skin in honor of his adopted daughter then your safe!!! If not ... see ya
BG ... I'll be bidding on your house after the bank takes it... karma is a beotch!

How in the world is this bsing Jesus loving full of crap human being still with the company? Ak has to be asking Rick P how a cash cow can become a complete nose dive joke of an organization!
He has run off any talented rep or manager and doesn't realize that we have the power to let his world continue to cascade downward. I have been gone from the company for quite some time and I'm still asked ... Should I even interview? Of course I Say No!!!
No talent = No growth!
Bad rep = closed doors!
If you buddy up and play the thumping born again role or have dark colored skin in honor of his adopted daughter then your safe!!! If not ... see ya
BG ... I'll be bidding on your house after the bank takes it... karma is a beotch!

So first off, your racism if overt and noted. Secondly, Jesus is the light and the way, your are lost my friend. Third, if you are the worm I think you are; you could never afford my house or mortgage. Remember - I know how much (or should I say how little) you make!

oh Bob
So glad to see you have the time to spend on this blog = great example of your fine leadership
I'm actually proud of you for the response, however, not what Jesus would expect from such a pure humble and faithful godly man!!!
You may or may not know who I am since so many people hate your bull crap lying ways.
You definitely don't know how much I make or have in the bank but I promise you will find out the day you can't afford your house. I have some rich friends!
I know I hit a nerve because there is truth! Your the lost one my not so much friend.
I made zoll a lot of money long before you where there and I'm doing just fine now.
I could be (sw mo rc fs em jw tm jb at cw md)... should I continue to even list all the people you treated like shit! The list can go on - look in the mirror
The initials represent 11 people who think your worthless
Best of luck to you

oh Bob
So glad to see you have the time to spend on this blog = great example of your fine leadership
I'm actually proud of you for the response, however, not what Jesus would expect from such a pure humble and faithful godly man!!!
You may or may not know who I am since so many people hate your bull crap lying ways.
You definitely don't know how much I make or have in the bank but I promise you will find out the day you can't afford your house. I have some rich friends!
I know I hit a nerve because there is truth! Your the lost one my not so much friend.
I made zoll a lot of money long before you where there and I'm doing just fine now.
I could be (sw mo rc fs em jw tm jb at cw md)... should I continue to even list all the people you treated like shit! The list can go on - look in the mirror
The initials represent 11 people who think your worthless
Best of luck to you

Your termination will be delivered Friday you blasphemous zero.

Are all the employees at Zoll that dumb?
I obviously left that ridiculous joke of a company...
Just sitting back and laughing at the single digit growth and waiting to buy BG's new home when foreclosed! Unless he spends his wife's money.
Aka sugamomma

oh Bob
So glad to see you have the time to spend on this blog = great example of your fine leadership
I'm actually proud of you for the response, however, not what Jesus would expect from such a pure humble and faithful godly man!!!
You may or may not know who I am since so many people hate your bull crap lying ways.
You definitely don't know how much I make or have in the bank but I promise you will find out the day you can't afford your house. I have some rich friends!
I know I hit a nerve because there is truth! Your the lost one my not so much friend.
I made zoll a lot of money long before you where there and I'm doing just fine now.
I could be (sw mo rc fs em jw tm jb at cw md)... should I continue to even list all the people you treated like shit! The list can go on - look in the mirror
The initials represent 11 people who think your worthless
Best of luck to you
Bob is a good man. When did we start demonizing people of faith? I’ve prayed with Bob and his family and it was a moving experience which lifted me during a difficult time. As for his house, he paid for it in cash.

God bless you and I certainly hope you put away your pettiness.

Bob is a good man. When did we start demonizing people of faith? I’ve prayed with Bob and his family and it was a moving experience which lifted me during a difficult time. As for his house, he paid for it in cash.

God bless you and I certainly hope you put away your pettiness.

The Hollywood liberals have lead the charge to demonize people of faith. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Look at how they treat each other on movie sets!

The Hollywood liberals have lead the charge to demonize people of faith. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Look at how they treat each other on movie sets!

As my great friend R Kelly has repeatedly stated "there ain't nothing wrong with a little bump and grind". Hollywood needs to embrace normal relationships between consenting adults instead of the way they have embraced pedophelia for so many years.

Bob is a good man. When did we start demonizing people of faith? I’ve prayed with Bob and his family and it was a moving experience which lifted me during a difficult time. As for his house, he paid for it in cash.

God bless you and I certainly hope you put away your pettiness.

Public record shows a large balance owed on the home. The 11 that I mentioned are all praying he loses his job. He has so many people that hate him and it will be hard for him to land a job paying him as much as he brags/makes!
If he didn't use all the money his wife inherited then maybe it will get foreclosed!
Or the pos Rasika can loan him some money or maybe she will turn her back on him too.
All the knife holes that others have felt enter them can be returned in bad karma!!!

Public record shows a large balance owed on the home. The 11 that I mentioned are all praying he loses his job. He has so many people that hate him and it will be hard for him to land a job paying him as much as he brags/makes!
If he didn't use all the money his wife inherited then maybe it will get foreclosed!
Or the pos Rasika can loan him some money or maybe she will turn her back on him too.
All the knife holes that others have felt enter them can be returned in bad karma!!!

There is no public record showing other people's mortgage statements you idiot.