Better medicine through litigation?


One of your reps told me that she and "almost everyone else at the medicines" were looking for jobs, and when I asked why she gave me a list of reasons. The one I could not believe was that the CEO, according to her at a national meeting, said that the company is "achieving better medicine through litigation". She explained what that meant and I was floored. Did he really say that or was that a lie?

Yes, you are correct. Sadly, this statement has been said more than once and by more than just the CEO. There seems to be more lawyers working in leadership roles at this company than I have seen in past companies.

I totally agree. Lawyers run the company now. It is all about positioning yourself and finding who else to blame when things go wrong. It is sad what our company has become.

Not only does this not surprise me, but the founder, and CEO Clive is out of his mind. He is slowly destroying the company because he is losing control from the stockholders. There is no future for this company so he is trying to create a consulting company that will only present value messaging to C-suite Hospital Administration.

His little boys club are sticking with him so they gain a cool million when the company gets purchased for their pipeline, Bivalirudin is generic in September, Cangrelor primary trial failed, Cleviprex doesn't have a chance of success so some company will buy the future pipeline and close the doors to everyone without a cent. Just watch.

He is a snake of a human being, destroyed hundreds of peoples lives through is lies and deception. The lawyers are in charge because they are in for some BIG litigation...better severance through litigation is the way I see it.

I was "released" from MDCO and my performance was stellar. I hope anyone and everyone fights for a large severance. Clive has destroyed so many people's lives, without any regard as he tries to build his consulting business. He has no credibility with the board, his peers in industry and most likey, not even with his 2 beautiful children. I don't know how you sleep at night Clive, you are destined for hell.

I would like to think Clive has no credibility with the board but I find it hard to believe as they have been covering up for him for years. He should have been in jail long ago.