Best Week Ever for SCOTUS


Perhaps the country will finally get back on track! Just need to get a POTUS who isn’t senile now and we’ll be good to go.
Let’s go back to 1850!!!! Who needs cars, etc. Then we can chase down those we don’t like and lynch them just like the good ol days- the go to our church and worship our savior who was undoubtedly white like us!!!!!

Let’s go back to 1850!!!! Who needs cars, etc. Then we can chase down those we don’t like and lynch them just like the good ol days- the go to our church and worship our savior who was undoubtedly white like us!!!!!

That…or we can let the content of our character define us rather than our skin color. Even better, we could let adults who consented to student loans and are now making money because of them…gasp…pay them back. Crazy, I know. 1850 here we come

That…or we can let the content of our character define us rather than our skin color. Even better, we could let adults who consented to student loans and are now making money because of them…gasp…pay them back. Crazy, I know. 1850 here we come[/QUOTE

I am curious as to your age. You sound like a 60+ white male who is comfortable financially. You probably had rich parents and didn't have to finance your B.A. in General Studies (so you could become a pharma rep). You have zero clues on predatory student loans and what it is like to be paying >$100K for a $25K education.

You also are selfish and don't see the economic benefits from freeing up these young people from part of an albatross hanging over their necks. Just think, they will buy things like cars and houses and goods and services. And this, unlike what asshole Pence is spouting on Face the Nation right now, we are not taking the tax dollars of the truck drivers and paying down the debt of PhDs, MDs and attorneys. He's such a dumb fuck and this WILL help the middle class.

Should they pay nothing? Absolutely not. Should our students be HELPED for our generation taking the eye off of the ball and letting predatory loans take over? Yes. Should a FEDERAL student loan program be reinstated to stop this? Yes. This is our fuck up and I am so sick of ReTHUGlicans thinking everything in life is a pie, and that if someone gets a piece of that pie, that you get less. Fucking selfish assholes. Let's build a wall that won't work, but let middle class BS degreed student suffer for 40 years under a predatory loan.

Perhaps the country will finally get back on track! Just need to get a POTUS who isn’t senile now and we’ll be good to go.

Yeah, how about Trump and the idea he brought up in a speech Thursday night?

Trump made sweeping promises if he wins re-election. Aside from possibly expanding the Supreme Court to "seven, eight, maybe even nine" justices, he said he would allow parents to vote for school principals each year, so they can kick out ones they don't like.

Imagine that! Expanding SCOTUS to 9 justices.

"Earth to Donnie. come in please Donnie, your dementia is showing again."

"We currently have 9 justices on SCOTUS."

I’m early 50’s, grew up poor and made myself into a pretty successful pharma professional today. Received Pell grants, small academic scholarship, student loans and worked my way though college. So, you’re a bit off with your assessment.

I’m not against helping young people at all. I agree there would be an economic benefit. I do think Brandon is full of sh@t when he talks about a magical $10,000 in students bank accounts. They don’t get a windfall of money, they just don’t pay a loan. It’s not a sudden economic surge for anyone. I’m am 100% against having people who already paid their loans off or didn’t go to college at all pay for those who knowingly took loans and are benefiting from the degree they earned. That’s not equity in my opinion. Rather, it’s wealth redistribution.

My question to you is why don’t we do something to address the ridiculous costs of college rather than encourage them to increase tuition costs by guaranteeing the government will just indirectly pay them whatever they want through the very lending you hate?

Well said, Fucktard!

Here's the bottom line, "It is what it is."
This has pissed off a big block of the younger voters and younger females are registering to vote faster than ever before.
The Dems want to 'hold the Senate' and take back the House.
If they do it with the said of some of these stupid rulings, like repealing Roe vs Wade, then a Dem Congress will cripple any GOP presidency and allow a Dem presidency to run with their ball.

Here's the bottom line, "It is what it is."
This has pissed off a big block of the younger voters and younger females are registering to vote faster than ever before.
The Dems want to 'hold the Senate' and take back the House.
If they do it with the said of some of these stupid rulings, like repealing Roe vs Wade, then a Dem Congress will cripple any GOP presidency and allow a Dem presidency to run with their ball.


Here's the bottom line, "It is what it is."
This has pissed off a big block of the younger voters and younger females are registering to vote faster than ever before.
The Dems want to 'hold the Senate' and take back the House.
If they do it with the said of some of these stupid rulings, like repealing Roe vs Wade, then a Dem Congress will cripple any GOP presidency and allow a Dem presidency to run with their ball.
Well at least the Dems won’t give a 2 trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthiest corporations where- trust me- it didn’t trickle down. Tired of the left wing “identity politics” thing but would much rather be annoyed by that than have to live with the likes of deSantis who wants to do away with the IRS, the board of education along with other government entities. He seems like the type who will just set up ‘camps” for those who don’t agree with him. The guy is fascist through and through and was trained at gitmo. So where does he imagine the money will come from for schools, roads, airports, social security etc???? Even trump thinks this guy is not very smart and that’s saying a lot Do the republicans really trust the “free market” to heal all of its woes???? If you ask me, that has been what’s destroyed much in this country. Would rather live in a civilized country if these clowns gain power.

I’m early 50’s, grew up poor and made myself into a pretty successful pharma professional today. Received Pell grants, small academic scholarship, student loans and worked my way though college. So, you’re a bit off with your assessment.

I’m not against helping young people at all. I agree there would be an economic benefit. I do think Brandon is full of sh@t when he talks about a magical $10,000 in students bank accounts. They don’t get a windfall of money, they just don’t pay a loan. It’s not a sudden economic surge for anyone. I’m am 100% against having people who already paid their loans off or didn’t go to college at all pay for those who knowingly took loans and are benefiting from the degree they earned. That’s not equity in my opinion. Rather, it’s wealth redistribution.

My question to you is why don’t we do something to address the ridiculous costs of college rather than encourage them to increase tuition costs by guaranteeing the government will just indirectly pay them whatever they want through the very lending you hate?

You and I do agree on some fundamental pieces of this. I am not in favor of giving money directly to people. You should have to register, and register your student loan and let the government disburse funds to the loan. I also see your point regarding those of us who paid our way through college, or paid off our student loans, sitting and looking at help given to those that followed us -- but remember, that group that followed did NOT have the same set of circumstances that we had in college. I remember discussing this very thing during COVID-19 where there was talk about paying off nurses' and physicians' student loans. Not fair when you are standing next to them in the COVID unit doing the same work, and someone is going to pay off Susie Cute, RN's loans??? What about me?? I get it, I totally do, but....most of these loans now are horrendous and need to be outlawed. The government needs to invest in an educated population and should hold the loans. Low interest, and you should have to qualify and attend an accredited program (sorry but a lot of these for-profit schools are trash).

Trying to fix why education is so expensive now it like trying to solve the healthcare crisis in this country. It won't be easy. The Feds and states have cut college/university spending - a lot. What happens? Tuition increases. You still have to pay professors, the light bill and everything else. How do we raise more money to bring spending back to normal? Tax the uber-rich. Quit cutting taxes to the most wealthy in this country and expecting middle class America to foot the bill. You know the Florida lottery was supposed to SUPPLEMENT education in Florida? Well that lasted just a little while until the state realized that they could take from it to just to pay the bills. So they CUT education spending and stole the lottery funds. And yet we keep electing people who feed the rich and steal from the middle and poor.
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You and I do agree on some fundamental pieces of this. I am not in favor of giving money directly to people. You should have to register, and register your student loan and let the government disburse funds to the loan. I also see your point regarding those of us who paid our way through college, or paid off our student loans, sitting and looking at help given to those that followed us -- but remember, that group that followed did NOT have the same set of circumstances that we had in college. I remember discussing this very thing during COVID-19 where there was talk about paying off nurses' and physicians' student loans. Not fair when you are standing next to them in the COVID unit doing the same work, and someone is going to pay off Susie Cute, RN's loans??? What about me?? I get it, I totally do, but....most of these loans now are horrendous and need to be outlawed. The government needs to invest in an educated population and should hold the loans. Low interest, and you should have to qualify and attend an accredited program (sorry but a lot of these for-profit schools are trash).

Trying to fix why education is so expensive now it like trying to solve the healthcare crisis in this country. It won't be easy. The Feds and states have cut college/university spending - a lot. What happens? Tuition increases. You still have to pay professors, the light bill and everything else. How do we raise more money to bring spending back to normal? Tax the uber-rich. Quit cutting taxes to the most wealthy in this country and expecting middle class America to foot the bill. You know the Florida lottery was supposed to SUPPLEMENT education in Florida? Well that lasted just a little while until the state realized that they could take from it to just to pay the bills. So they CUT education spending and stole the lottery funds. And yet we keep electing people who feed the rich and steal from the middle and poor.
Agee. Trickle down is a big lie perpetrated by politicians on the take who are funded by their large donors. Ever wonder how Manchin and Sinema are now the Uber wealthy???? Sinema claimed to be a poor girl raised in a gas station and now she’s worth millions given to her by her donors for her votes in their favor so they don’t pay their fair share of taxes. Manchin from W Virginia is also a great example of the Uber wealthy type of senator who votes against his poor constituents interests (health care, etc) while he lives it up on a boat and drives expensive cars. When are people going to have enough and stage a second revolution????
Agree about for profit colleges. I do remember that Obama tried to close them down and stop the predatory lending but I”m sure they have started back up again. In my humble opinion all medical professionals - doctors, nurses, PA’s and NP’s should have their education subsidized by the government. Heard yesterday that predictions are that there is a vast shortage coming in the future of these professionals. Don’t think “the market” is helping our healthcare situation very well here. And just wait until the red states start arresting doctors, etc for helping with abortions or women having miscarriages. There will be no medical professionals left there and honestly serves them right. I ramble but suffice it to say, I think this country is failing due to unbridled capitalism and greed.

The Trump family have owned a global business empire for decades to create their wealth. Hunter is a talentless, drug addled loser whose dad was vice-president. See the difference?
Global empire my a$$. More like multiple bankruptcies, loans given by foreign adversaries vs US lenders. Wonder why he can’t get loans in the US??? They know he’s a cheating lying con man. Bankruptcies at casinos, etc. it’s all flim flam with the trumps. Loans for our state secret documents is more how it works with the trump loser family. Only losers like you think he’s a billionaire. Im sure you e sent him money right???? Ever wonder why he asks that of you???

The Trump family have owned a global business empire for decades to create their wealth. Hunter is a talentless, drug addled loser whose dad was vice-president. See the difference?

You are a lame-assed poster. Eric Trump said, "Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time." Hah, global business empire? Commie Russian empire!

Add to that the female decapitating, Trade Tower airplane destroying Saudis who Trump invited into a partnership with our PGA.
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