Best Product

OXINIUM-hands down!

Now the downside is how S&N has completely and utterly dropped the ball in it's promotion! If J&J, Stryker or Zimmer had developed this technology, the ortho market would look completely different.

Our best product is our middle management team. Our DM's are the best "salesforce" in the industry.


All the DM's are non revenue generating overhead. Flush them all I say. Take some of the RVP's with them, and start over!

OXINIUM-hands down!

Now the downside is how S&N has completely and utterly dropped the ball in it's promotion! If J&J, Stryker or Zimmer had developed this technology, the ortho market would look completely different.

Agreed!! SN fails to invest money in the right places and properly promote it's products that are actually innovative.