Best ESPN Commercial

ROLL TIDE ROLL!! I can't believe the barners don't have an ESPN commercial? Then again, they do have Charles Barkley!

And, they are temporarily holding their illegitimate Sears Trophy.

I totally agree with you. Milton McGregor (Auburn Booster & Casino Owner) is under federal indictment for bribing Alabama congressmen to vote in favor of pro-gambling legislation. The rumor is that the FBI has wire tapped McGregor having conversations with other Auburn officials about pay for play schemes at Auburn. Cam Newton is only supposed to be the tip of the ice berg, "Uncle Milty's" trial starts soon so stay tuned!

I totally agree with you. Milton McGregor (Auburn Booster & Casino Owner) is under federal indictment for bribing Alabama congressmen to vote in favor of pro-gambling legislation. The rumor is that the FBI has wire tapped McGregor having conversations with other Auburn officials about pay for play schemes at Auburn. Cam Newton is only supposed to be the tip of the ice berg, "Uncle Milty's" trial starts soon so stay tuned!

If he talks they better put him in the witness protection program.