Bernie Fine: Syracuse freak show



Not only did Ped State have their child abusing system running for decades but now Syracuse basketball has a 35 year tenure coach that loved "ball" boys.

Time for the USA to quit glorifying these college sports, players and coaches so much that they feel that they are above the law and can molest and ruin lives because they are in a winning program. What a sick society we live in.

PS- Take a look at this tubby Bernie Fine freak; he looks just like a molester. Wasn't his brother Larry one of the three stooges?

His wife isn't any better.....she is just as guilty because she was doing him too.

Hey moron, he was 18(and he did it consensually) when she porked him not 10 years old like her when her hubby molested him.

From now on when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about keep your yap shut so you don't embarrass yourself again.

Sounds like fat Bernie was a long time chickenhawk at Syracuse and Jim B let it go on. Maybe Sandusky and Fine can car pool to the next NAMBLA national meeting. Sick fucks.

Nice diversion to take the heat off of Ped State.

Who dropped the dime on Bernie, btw???

I still want to know why a suspect who is charged with multiple counts of molesting 8 boys is allowed to post only $100k bail and walk around like a free man? Who made that shit up?

And why hasn't hasn't JoePa been charged with 'failing to report' like his other buddies at Ped State?

After somebody answers those questions to my satisfaction we can turn the discussion to Uncle Bernie.

Nice diversion to take the heat off of Ped State.

Who dropped the dime on Bernie, btw???

I still want to know why a suspect who is charged with multiple counts of molesting 8 boys is allowed to post only $100k bail and walk around like a free man? Who made that shit up?

And why hasn't hasn't JoePa been charged with 'failing to report' like his other buddies at Ped State?

After somebody answers those questions to my satisfaction we can turn the discussion to Uncle Bernie.

Why is he allowed to walk around free? Are you kidding me?? It is all about power and connections. You get as much justice in the USA as you can afford. You are in the pharma industry. You should fully understand power, corruption and cover ups and how they occur on a sliding scale according to your money, power and influence.

Why is he allowed to walk around free? Are you kidding me?? It is all about power and connections. You get as much justice in the USA as you can afford. You are in the pharma industry. You should fully understand power, corruption and cover ups and how they occur on a sliding scale according to your money, power and influence.

I just bought this book by glen greenwald. It's worth the read and ties into your comment.